[Previous page] | |||
DiceCardSelfAbility_angela_guard | Y | 1 | The Cost of this page cannot be changed. On Use Restore 3 Light; draw 1 page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_angela_heaven | Y | 1 | The Cost of this page cannot be changed On Use Restore 1 Light; draw 1 page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_angela_teddy | Y | 1 | Start of Clash All dice on this page gain +2 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_angelicaCombo | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_AngelicaPuppet_OldBoy | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_AngelicaPuppet_Special | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_AngelicaPuppet_Zelkova | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_areaText | N | 0 | |
DiceCardSelfAbility_areaTextExhaust | N | 0 | Mass Attack This page is exhausted on use |
DiceCardSelfAbility_argaliaDistortedArea | Y | 1 | Usable on and after the third Scene On Use Add a copy of 'Grand Finale' to hand |
DiceCardSelfAbility_argaliaNullfy | N | 0 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_atkcombo_allas | Y | 1 | Combat Start If targeting the same character as Angelica, all Offensive dice on this page are moved to hers |
DiceCardSelfAbility_atkcombo_logic | Y | 1 | Combat Start If targeting the same character as Angelica, all Offensive dice on this page are moved to hers |
DiceCardSelfAbility_atkcombo_zelkova | Y | 1 | Combat Start If targeting the same character as Angelica, all Offensive dice on this page are moved to hers |
DiceCardSelfAbility_awlofnight1 | Y | 1 | On Use Boost damage by sum of user's Haste and target's Bind |
DiceCardSelfAbility_badaCard | N | 0 | Start of Clash Spend 3 Charge to reduce Power of all dice on opponent's page by 2 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_badaCardRemake | Y | 1 | On Use Spend 4 Charge to boost Power of all dice on this page by +2 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_badpinocchio | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bandFinalBase | N | 0 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bigbird_charm | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bigBirdEgo | Y | 1 | Combat Start Enemies are not influenced by Power gain or loss for the Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bigbird_sleep | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_binahArea | Y | 1 | On Use Give 3 Protection and Stagger Protection to all allies this Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_black_4th_afterimage | Y | 1 | On Play Purge all status ailments from self |
DiceCardSelfAbility_black_4th_area | Y | 1 | The third die is recycled for every weapon remaining |
DiceCardSelfAbility_black_4th_durandal | Y | 1 | On Use If target has Bind, dice gain +2 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_black_4th_durandalstrong | Y | 1 | On Use If target has Bind, dice gain +2 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_black_4th_durandalweak | Y | 1 | If this page fails to deal 15+ damage, user takes 15 Stagger damage and gains 1 Strength next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_black_4th_lance | Y | 1 | On Use If not a clash, dice gain +2 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_blackbind | Y | 1 | Combat Start If Angelica is the target, give her 1 Strength, Endurance, and Protection. Else, give 'Dark Presence' |
DiceCardSelfAbility_blackSilenceSpecial | Y | 2 | This page can be used after using all 9 Combat Pages of the Black Silence On hit, inflict 5 Bleed, 3 Bind, and 3 Fragile next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_blackSwanAreaEgo | Y | 1 | |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bleedingPlus | Y | 1 | Combat Start When inflicting Bleed using Combat Pages this Scene, inflict 1 additional stack |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bleedingSlash1thisRound | Y | 1 | Combat Start Upon each successful Slash attack this Scene, inflict 1 Bleed next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bloodbath_blood | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bloodbath_hand | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bloodbath_scar | Y | 4 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bloodEgo | Y | 1 | On Hit Purge Strength, Endurance, Protection, and Stagger Protection from target |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bluestar_area | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bluestar_child_suicide | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_blueStarEgo | N | 0 | If this page defeats any target, recover 30 Stagger Resist |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bossBirdSecondEgo | Y | 2 | On Use If user's HP is at 50% or lower, all dice on this page gain +8 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_breakDmg2thisRoundHit | Y | 1 | Combat Start Deal 2 bonus Stagger damage on Blunt hits for this Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen2_canselectfriend | Y | 1 | Combat Start, Target Ally If target is an ally, all allies gain 1 Strength and recover 20 HP |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen2_concert | Y | 1 | Combat Start, Target Ally If target is an ally, give 2 Haste this Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen2_musictherapy | Y | 1 | Combat Start, Target Ally If target is an ally, they recover 20 HP |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremenArea | Y | 1 | Usable on and after the third Scene This page is exhausted on use and returns to hand after 4 Scenes On Use Inflict 2 Fragile to all enemies this Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen_boom | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremenCard | Y | 1 | Combat Start Give 1 Strength to all other allies; the page loses this ability afterwards |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen_chickenhead1 | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen_chickenhead2 | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen_chorus | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_bremen_doghead1 | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_burningGirl | Y | 2 | On Use Gain 1 Ember |
DiceCardSelfAbility_burnPlus | Y | 1 | Combat Start When inflicting Burn using Combat Pages this Scene, inflict 1 additional stack |
DiceCardSelfAbility_buterflyEgo | Y | 1 | Each die on this page is rolled 8 times |
DiceCardSelfAbility_butterfly_1st | Y | 2 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_butterfly_2nd | Y | 2 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_butterfly_3rd | Y | 2 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_cancelChangeEgo | Y | 2 | On Use Cancel Synchronization at the start of the next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_cardPowerDown1target | N | 0 | Start of Clash Reduce Power of all target's dice by 1 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_cardPowerDown1targetHighlander | Y | 1 | Start of Clash If Singleton, reduce Power of all target's dice by 1 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_cardPowerDown2target | Y | 3 | Start of Clash Reduce Power of all target's dice by 2 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_cardPowerDown4target | Y | 1 | Start of Clash Reduce Power of all target's dice by 4 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_chargeDestroyDesc | Y | 1 | Dice abilities on this page only activate if the opponent has Offensive dice |
DiceCardSelfAbility_chargeEnergy | Y | 1 | On Use Spend 4 Charge to restore 3 Light |
DiceCardSelfAbility_chargeProtection | Y | 1 | On Use Spend 2 Charge to give 1 Protection to all allies this Scene and next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_clashPowerUp | Y | 1 | Start of Clash Deal 5 damage to self; all dice on this page gain +2 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_clawAllSerum | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_clawBlueSerum | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_ClawEffect | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_clawOrangeSerum | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_clockEgo | Y | 1 | On Use Gain a Speed die for the next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_contract1 | Y | 1 | Conditions Use a page whose Cost is modified Terms Randomize Costs of pages in hand; using pages with a certain Cost has a penalty On Play Target an ally who has an Unsigned Contract to exhaust the Contracts from each other's hands, and swap Contracts at the start of the next Scene. |
DiceCardSelfAbility_contract2 | Y | 1 | Conditions Have a 1-, 2-, and 3-Cost page in hand at the end of a Scene Terms Pages of a certain Cost gain Power; others lose Power On Play Target an ally who has an Unsigned Contract to exhaust the Contracts from each other's hands, and swap Contracts at the start of the next Scene. |
DiceCardSelfAbility_contract3 | Y | 1 | Conditions Win 4 clashes using Defensive dice Terms Gain Haste; must engage in clashes On Play Target an ally who has an Unsigned Contract to exhaust the Contracts from each other's hands, and swap Contracts at the start of the next Scene. |
DiceCardSelfAbility_contract4 | Y | 1 | Conditions Have any amount of Strength at the end of a Scene Terms Gain Strength every Scene; must use pages with one Offensive die On Play Target an ally who has an Unsigned Contract to exhaust the Contracts from each other's hands, and swap Contracts at the start of the next Scene. |
DiceCardSelfAbility_contract5 | Y | 1 | Conditions Be at Emotion Level 2 at the end of a Scene Terms Fully restore Light every Scene; must use all of it On Play Target an ally who has an Unsigned Contract to exhaust the Contracts from each other's hands, and swap Contracts at the start of the next Scene. |
DiceCardSelfAbility_contractBase | N | 0 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_copyMostCost | Y | 1 | On Use Copy the most expensive page in hand and add that to hand. |
DiceCardSelfAbility_costdecrease1allcardExhaust | Y | 1 | Single-use, On Use Lower Cost of all pages in hand by 1 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_costdown | Y | 1 | This page's Cost is lowered by the number of other 'Rapid Gashes' in hand |
DiceCardSelfAbility_costDown1emotion3 | Y | 1 | Costs 1 less at Emotion Level 3 or higher |
DiceCardSelfAbility_costDown1self | Y | 1 | On Use Lower this page's Cost by 1 (Up to 2 times) |
DiceCardSelfAbility_costDownAndPowerUp | Y | 1 | While this page is in hand, its Cost is decreased for each clash lost against an Offensive die Combat Start Boost Offensive dice Power by +1 for this Scene On Use Draw 1 page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_cryingChildArea | Y | 1 | User is Staggered at the end of the Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_debufHalf | Y | 4 | Combat Start Halve the amount of status ailments on self (Rounded up) |
DiceCardSelfAbility_debufPlusThisRound | N | 0 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_deerCard | Y | 2 | On Use Deal 4 Stagger damage to self |
DiceCardSelfAbility_defeneseStance | Y | 1 | On Play Change to Guarding Stance and boost Defensive dice Power by +1. Stance can be changed every 2 Scenes |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discard1 | Y | 2 | On Use Discard a page with the lowest Cost If an Ammunition was discarded, all Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discard2draw1 | Y | 1 | On Use Discard 2 pages with the lowest Cost from hand, and draw a page All dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discard4bullet | Y | 1 | On Use Discard up to four 0-Cost pages from hand Offensive dice on this page gain +1 Power for each Ammunition discarded this way |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discardall | Y | 1 | On Use Discard all pages |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discardAllAndPower2 | Y | 1 | On Use Discard all pages from hand; all dice on this page gain +2 Power |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discardAllEnergy1 | Y | 1 | When discarded, all other allies restore 1 Light |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discardAndEnergy | Y | 1 | On Use Discard a page with the lowest Cost and restore 2 Light |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discard_lowest | Y | 2 | On Use Discard a page with the lowest Cost |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discardlowest1draw | Y | 1 | On Use Discard a page with the lowest Cost; Draw 1 page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_discardRandomAndEnergy | Y | 1 | On Use Discard a random page from hand; Restore 1 Light |
DiceCardSelfAbility_dmgUp1thisRound | Y | 1 | Combat Start Offensive dice deal +1 damage for this Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_dmgUpbybleedingbuf | Y | 1 | Damage increases by the amount of Bleed on target |
DiceCardSelfAbility_dmgUpFriend3 | Y | 1 | On Use All allies deal +2 damage with their Offensive dice next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_dragonAnger | Y | 2 | If the die tagged as 'Reverse Scale' loses in a clash, deal 70 Stagger damage to self, and gain 4 Strength and Endurance next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_draw1CardAndHighlanderEnergy | Y | 1 | On Use Draw 1 Page. If Singleton, restore 2 Light as well |
DiceCardSelfAbility_draw1debuf | N | 0 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawAndEnergy | Y | 1 | On Use Restore 1 Light and draw 1 page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawCard | Y | 17 | On Use Draw 1 page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawCard2 | Y | 1 | On Use Draw 2 pages |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawCard3highlander | Y | 1 | On Use If Singleton, draw 3 pages |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawCardWarp | Y | 1 | On Use Gain 1 Haste next Scene; spend 3 Charge to draw 2 pages |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawCardWarpOnly | N | 0 | On Use Spend 3 Charge to draw 2 pages |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawDiscard | Y | 3 | Draw a page upon discarding this page |
DiceCardSelfAbility_drawUntil4 | N | 0 | On Use Draw until there are 4 pages in hand |
DiceCardSelfAbility_egoDummy | Y | 1 | - |
DiceCardSelfAbility_eileenArea | Y | 1 | Usable on and after the third Scene This page is exhausted on use and returns to hand after 4 Scenes If the attack hit at least once, all other allies restore 1 Light at the end of the Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_elenaMinionDefense | Y | 1 | If any Counter dice from this page remain by the end of the Scene, Elena becomes untargetable for the next Scene |
DiceCardSelfAbility_elenaMinionStrong | Y | 1 | All Speed dice of the character lose 3 Speed while this page is in use If this page hits an enemy, use it again on another random enemy. (Does not re-target already hit enemies) |
DiceCardSelfAbility_elenaNewArea | Y | 1 | Usable on and after the third Scene This page is exhausted on use and returns to hand after 4 Scenes If user has recovered 20+ HP this Act, this page's Cost is reduced by 2 |
DiceCardSelfAbility_elenaStartBuf | Y | 1 | Combat Start If target is the Vermilion Cross, give him 3 Strength and Protection |
[Next page] |