
Counter counter_Keyword Die is only played upon receiving a one-sided attack (Does not apply when both characters use a Combat Page and the opponent has more dice)
Disarm X Disarm_Keyword Defensive dice lose X Power for the Scene.
Page Draw DrawCard_Keyword (No description)
Synchronize egoChange_Keyword Replace Combat Pages with unique ones. Deck and hand return to normal once status is disabled. Cannot be used with other Synchronize E.G.O or E.G.O Manifestation.
??? egoPersonal_Keyword ???
??? egoTeam_Keyword ???
Max. Emotion Level EmotionLevel_Keyword (No description)
Endurance X Endurance_Keyword Defensive dice gain +X Power for the Scene.
Light Recover Energy_Keyword (No description)
En Garde Engard_Keyword A 2-Cost Combat Page with a Slash (6-10) die; 'Exhausts on use; [On Use] Give 1 Strength to target and self next Scene'
Exhaust Exhaust_Keyword Page will be removed from play for this Act.
Single-use ExhaustOnUse_Keyword Page is exhausted on use. Exhausted pages are removed from play until the end of the Act.
Fairy X Fairy_Keyword Take X damage every time a die rolls. At the end of the Scene, take X damage and halve the stack. (Rounds down)
Darkness Final_BigBird_Darkness_Keyword A status that lasts for 2 Scenes, nullifying Power-related effects.
To Claim Their Bones Giveuptheflesh_Keyword A 5-Cost Combat Page with a Slash (14-23) Counter; 'Exhausts on use; [On Hit] Inflict 5 Paralysis and 3 Bleed; cannot hold 2 at once'