
Dice Amplification Amp_Keyword (No description)
Mass Attack AreaCard_Keyword Targets every enemy. A successful hit destroys the target's Combat Page or action dice.
Summation AreaDiceAll_Keyword If the attack is > than the sum of dice rolls on target's Combat Page, they take damage, and their page is destroyed.
Individual AreaDiceEach_Keyword If the dice roll is larger than the target's current die, they take damage, and the die is destroyed.
Restraint Arrest_Keyword This status is not lost at the end of the Scene.
Bound X Binding_Keyword Lower all Speed values by X for the Scene.
Bleed X Bleeding_Keyword For the Scene, take X damage and subtract 1/3rd of the stack every time an Offensive die rolls. (Rounds up)
Stagger Resistance Break_Keyword (No description)
Stagger Protection X BreakProtection_Keyword Take X less Stagger damage from attacks for the Scene.
Combat Start bstart_Keyword Activates when the combat phase of a Scene begins and before characters approach targets.
Ammunition bullet_keyword When used or discarded, gives bonus effects to Ranged Combat Pages.
Burn X Burn_Keyword At the end of the Scene, take X damage and subtract 1/3rd of the stack. (Rounds down)
Force of a Wildfire BurnSpread_Keyword If this character becomes Staggered within the next {0} Scenes, all of their allies are inflicted with Burn equal to half of the amount of Burn this character had at the start of the next Scene. (Rounds down)
Furious Fire Rending the Skies CardBuf_burnUp_Keyword While this page is being used, inflict twice as much Burn using Combat Pages.