Streetlight Office


22 10 1–4 Fatal Weak Normal Fatal Weak Normal
2 Set Fire Street9 Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 5 On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
Blunt 3 - 5 On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
2 Set Fire Street9 Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 5 On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
Blunt 3 - 5 On Hit Inflict 3 Burn; Deal 3 damage to self
1 Taste My Flaming Bat! Street8 Guard Evade Blunt
Guard 3 - 4
Evade 1 - 8 On Clash Win Boost next die's max value by +3
Blunt 3 - 3 On Hit Inflict 2 Burn
1 Taste My Flaming Bat! Street8 Guard Evade Blunt
Guard 3 - 4
Evade 1 - 8 On Clash Win Boost next die's max value by +3
Blunt 3 - 3 On Hit Inflict 2 Burn
1 Fleet Footsteps Street5 Slash Evade Evade
Slash 2 - 3
Evade 1 - 6 On Defense Recover 2 HP
Evade 1 - 4 On Defense Recover 2 HP

Unit has combat dialogue. [View]


22 11 1–4 Weak Normal Fatal Normal Normal Fatal
2 Gather Intel Street3 Slash Slash Guard
Slash 1 - 6 On Clash Win Boost next die's max value by +3
Slash 2 - 3 On Clash Win Boost next die's max value by +3
Guard 2 - 6
2 Gather Intel Street3 Slash Slash Guard
Slash 1 - 6 On Clash Win Boost next die's max value by +3
Slash 2 - 3 On Clash Win Boost next die's max value by +3
Guard 2 - 6
1 Silent Night Street1 Evade Slash Pierce On Use Gain 2 Endurance next Scene
Evade 1 - 8
Slash 1 - 3
Pierce 1 - 3
1 Silent Night Street1 Evade Slash Pierce On Use Gain 2 Endurance next Scene
Evade 1 - 8
Slash 1 - 3
Pierce 1 - 3
1 Fleet Footsteps Street5 Slash Evade Evade
Slash 2 - 3
Evade 1 - 6 On Defense Recover 2 HP
Evade 1 - 4 On Defense Recover 2 HP

Unit has combat dialogue. [View]


25 10 1–4 Endured Normal Normal Endured Normal Normal
1 Deflect Street6 Guard Blunt Slash
Guard 3 - 4
Blunt 1 - 4 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
Slash 1 - 4
1 Deflect Street6 Guard Blunt Slash
Guard 3 - 4
Blunt 1 - 4 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis next Scene
Slash 1 - 4
1 Prepared Mind Street7 Guard Slash
Guard 2 - 4 On Clash Win Gain 1 Endurance next Scene
Slash 2 - 6
1 Prepared Mind Street7 Guard Slash
Guard 2 - 4 On Clash Win Gain 1 Endurance next Scene
Slash 2 - 6
1 Fleet Footsteps Street5 Slash Evade Evade
Slash 2 - 3
Evade 1 - 6 On Defense Recover 2 HP
Evade 1 - 4 On Defense Recover 2 HP


210003 Book of Mars

Unit has combat dialogue. [View]

Basic Information

Invitation Recipe

210001 Book of Pierre
210002 Book of Jack

[Additional Data]