Creature: Poor Screenwriter’s Note
Poor Screenwriter’s Note
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Story Records
It is a palm-sized notebook. Every page is filled with handwritten scrawls. Analysis determined that the writings are a script used in a play. By who or when it was written is undetermined. The scenario is about a guy who was raised in a normal family. One day, he picks up a mask from the street and goes on to impulsively murder all the people that he knows. When a subject comes into contact with the creature, the person shows the exact same behavior as the guy from the aforementioned scenario. Like the story, the afflicted individual may attempt to kill those around him/her. The subject believes him or herself to be the protagonist of the story. Title: Peccatum Proprium Today, we perform for the king. Characters : A, The Failed, The Abandoned, The Broken, The Coward, and……. ACT I A mask is lying in the middle of the stage. It is a modest mask, without any pattern. People walk past the mask without giving it a look. As if it is not seen by them. However, A is staring at the mask from the beginning. Eventually, he picks it up and put it on his face. The mask surprisingly fits into his face. (Background music transition) A: (Rapturously) How foolish and pathetic I was. For what had I talked about happiness? For what had I put up with all the meretriciousness?(Exit) The Failed: We dreamed of wondrous future but everything turned out to be in vain. Thus, I call myself “The Failed” A: (Stage whisper) He is an arrogant fool who only thinks for himself. (Strokes the mask) I knew it from the beginning. The calamity will repeat itself endlessly. (Strikes The Failed with a weapon) The Failed: Ah, the rest I yearned! It has finally come! (Collapses) (Exit A) Omitted ACT 3 A: (Refusing to believe) I have been thinking that some sort of power this mask possesses was turning me into a killer. (Stands up and picks up the mask) But The Coward told me, it is merely a mask. (Sits down while holding the mask) Then it is I who has been the killer. It was me who exhilaratingly laughed to the sound of dying breath. It was me who was shaking body in guiltiness while washing blood off of a cloth. (Sinks his face into his hands, sobbing) (Manically laughs) No, no. It is just a mask, but not for me. Fools! From the beginning, I knew the power that this mask has! Omitted ACT 6 A: It is too terrible to be a mistake. I was the dirty, vicious killer. How could I blame it on the mask? Ah, the pain is tearing me into pieces. I have never wished for the existence of god this much in my entire life. If the god wills to punish me, I shall accept it. Even if he throws me into unquenchable hellfire, I will succumb to it. (Gunfire from a distance, A collapses) A: A death is nothing but a sleep. That is all. (A sees someone pointing a gun at him. He gasps in surprise. Soon, he collapses to the ground and looks at the shooter. Everything seems to be stopped. In his fading consciousness, just before his eyes close, he sees the shooter’s face. The silence continues until the audiences exit. When no one is left, the curtain finally falls. ) |
Management Tips
$0 prefers that everything goes according to its own scenario. Work will also not be an exception. The #0 employee went to $0 for a job that was not listed in the scenario. $0's mood value was reduced by a small amount, confirming that energy was produced. It was found that a faint curtain was formed in the $0’s containment room. When the curtain was completely drained at the containment room, a special ability of $0 was activated when a #0 employee was sent to the containment room. We must find a way to make the curtain faint. |
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