Card: Rampage

Cost 3 Name Rampage Range
Blunt 2 - 4 On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Pierce 3 - 5 On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Slash 3 - 5
3 Rampage Hook5 Blunt Pierce Slash
Blunt 2 - 4 On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Pierce 3 - 5 On Hit Inflict 1 Bleed next Scene
Slash 3 - 5
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Canard
Availability Collectable
  • Bleed X: For the Scene, take X damage and subtract 1/3rd of the stack every time an Offensive die rolls. (Rounds up)
Can be dropped from
200012 Hook Office, Vol. Ⅰ
200013 Book of Taein
200014 Book of Naoki
200015 Book of McCullin
200016 Hook Office, Vol. Ⅱ
Name (EN)Rampage
Name (KR)광란
Name (JP)狂乱
Artwork Hook5
Script None
Max In Inventory150
Max In Deck3
NTypeMinMaxScriptAction ScriptMotionEffect Res.
0 Blunt 2 4 bleeding1atk None J Hook_Crazy_J
1 Pierce 3 5 bleeding1atk None Z Hook_Z
2 Slash 3 5 None None H Hook_Crazy_H
LOR: /card/CardInfo_ch1.xml, lines 373 ~ 387:

<Card ID="104004">
<Spec Range="Near" Cost="3" />
<Script />
<ScriptDesc />
<Behaviour Min="2" Dice="4" Type="Atk" Detail="Hit" Motion="J" EffectRes="Hook_Crazy_J" Script="bleeding1atk" Desc="[적중] 출혈 1 부여" />
<Behaviour Min="3" Dice="5" Type="Atk" Detail="Penetrate" Motion="Z" EffectRes="Hook_Z" Script="bleeding1atk" Desc="[적중] 출혈 1 부여" />
<Behaviour Min="3" Dice="5" Type="Atk" Detail="Slash" Motion="H" EffectRes="Hook_Crazy_H" Script="" Desc="" />