Stage: Pinocchio

Icon Name Pinocchio Chapter None

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    • What more could I do…?
    • I thought everything would work out if I just did as I was told…
    • I’d reach the outcome I yearned for… or so I had hoped.
    • Ignoring all their sorrow, screams, and condemnation…
    • Just obeying the script’s flow…
    • Can I not escape from this…? Even if I did, what should I do afterward?
    • I was never taught what to do next…
    • I’d have no choice but to let the strings have their way with me…
    • Please, if somebody knows a way… please tell me what to do. Anybody…
    • Still… I’ve made it this far.
    • Even if I didn’t have a concrete plan, I had faith that if I continued walking this path…
    • I would ultimately become a better being…
    • In my endeavor to become human…
    • I learned that I shouldn’t leave others to agonize over my problems, and make choices in my stead.
    • To be responsible for my own decisions and deeds… That’s what being human is about, isn’t it?
    • …Even if the burden is heavy, I will bear it and move forward.
    • It may be sorrowful now… yet I’ll find myself happier next time.
Name (EN)Pinocchio
Name (KR)피노키오
Name (JP)ピノキオ
LOR: /StageInfo_creature.xml, lines 94 ~ 111:

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<Name>케테르 최종 - 피노키오</Name>
<Story Condition="PrevBattle">1000_6_3</Story>
LOR: /EnemyUnitInfo_creature_final.xml, lines 923 ~ 930:

<Enemy ID="9100531">

LOR: /card/Deck_creature_final.xml, lines 681 ~ 682:

<Deck ID="9100531">
LOR: /EnemyUnitInfo_creature_final.xml, lines 932 ~ 939:

<Enemy ID="9100532">

LOR: /card/Deck_creature_final.xml, lines 684 ~ 685:

<Deck ID="9100532">