Stage: The Price of Silence

Icon Name The Price of Silence Chapter None

Basic Information

Special Combat Dialogue [Expand All]

      • The flowing time cannot be grasped, nor can the flow be stopped.
      • Time flows as life does, and life goes as time does.
      • Why do you try to defy this greater stream that none can stop?
      • A price follows silence.
      • Silence does not always bring peace.
      • Time is given to everyone evenly, but fate makes it unfair.
      • No one can go against the flow of time.
      • Alas, silence does not always bring about positive outcomes.
      • …What flows cannot be stopped, is it?
      • I guess the lesson was “Don’t waste your time.”
      • A price… for silence…? What is it trying to say?
      • …Phew, I was in such a hurry; I’m outta breath.
      • A scythe… clock? What does it mean?
      • Silence and death are similar in nature… I suppose that’s not wrong…
      • Maybe there are more things we didn’t get to see before…
Name (EN)The Price of Silence
Name (KR)침묵의 대가
Name (JP)沈黙の対価
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