Punishing Bird

Keeper of the Black Forest

100 60 1–4 Endured Ineffective Normal Normal Endured Weak
3 Smack Smallbird_SubAtk Blunt
Blunt 4 - 8 On Hit Break all dice on target's page and Stagger target
3 Smack Smallbird_SubAtk Blunt
Blunt 4 - 8 On Hit Break all dice on target's page and Stagger target
2 Ring Smallbird_SubAtk Blunt Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis and Bind next Scene
Blunt 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis and Bind next Scene
Blunt 3 - 6 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis and Bind next Scene
2 Ring Smallbird_SubAtk Blunt Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis and Bind next Scene
Blunt 3 - 7 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis and Bind next Scene
Blunt 3 - 6 On Hit Inflict 1 Paralysis and Bind next Scene

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