Urban Legend-class Syndicate

Stray Dog

50 24 2–5 Fatal Normal Normal Normal Fatal Normal
2 Crush Stray3 Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 6 On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
Blunt 3 - 5
2 Crush Stray3 Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 6 On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
Blunt 3 - 5


220012 Book of the Stray Dogs

Unit has combat dialogue. [View]

Axe Gang Grunt

60 33 2–5 Normal Fatal Normal Normal Weak Normal
2 Crush Stray3 Blunt Blunt
Blunt 3 - 6 On Hit Inflict 2 Bleed next Scene
Blunt 3 - 5


220021 Book of Axe Gang
220016 Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅱ
210006 Dark Alleys of the Backstreets, Vol. Ⅰ

Basic Information

Invitation Recipe

220013 Book of Gyeong-mi
220014 Book of Dino
220015 Book of Zulu

[Additional Data]