Id | 9055121 |
Name (EN) | The time has come. |
Name (KR) | 시간이 다 되었다 |
Name (JP) | 時は来たれり |
Collectable | No |
Hidden | No |
Script |
::PassiveAbility_9055121 |
Inner type | -1 |
※ Loaded from localization files
/localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 1203 ~ 1206:
<PassiveDesc ID="9055121">
<Name>The time has come.</Name>
<Desc>Uses the Combat Page 'Rise and Serve Me' on the first Scene. Starting with the third Scene, uses the Combat Page 'I am thy Saviour' every 3 Scenes.</Desc> <!-- Waiting for confirmation from Yumi on this one -->