Passive: Show Me Your Wisdom

Cost 1 Name Show Me Your Wisdom Rarity Paperback (Common)
Description Turn all librarians other than the one with the Scarecrow's status into 'Shining Statues'. A copy of 'Wisdom' and 4 special Combat Pages are added to the Scarecrow librarian's hand. Proceed to the Cat's phase next Scene.
Used by Unused or scripted
Name (EN)Show Me Your Wisdom
Name (KR)지혜를 보여주렴
Name (JP)知恵を見せてごらん
Script ::PassiveAbility_705514
Inner type-1
※ Loaded from localization files
LOR: /localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 1012 ~ 1019:

<PassiveDesc ID="705514">
<Name>Show Me Your Wisdom</Name>
Turn all librarians other than the one with the Scarecrow's status into 'Shining Statues'.
A copy of 'Wisdom' and 4 special Combat Pages are added to the Scarecrow librarian's hand.
Proceed to the Cat's phase next Scene.