Id | 605215 |
Name (EN) | Destined to be the Big Bad Wolf |
Name (KR) | 커다랗고 나쁠 늑대니까 |
Name (JP) | 大きくて悪くなる狼だから |
Collectable | No |
Hidden | No |
Script |
::PassiveAbility_605215 |
Inner type | -1 |
※ Loaded from localization files
/localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 721 ~ 724:
<PassiveDesc ID="605215">
<Name>Destined to be the Big Bad Wolf</Name>
<Desc>If two librarians have been consumed and digested, transform. Also transforms if HP is at 50% or lower at the start of a Scene. HP does not fall below 50% before transforming.</Desc>