Id | 605212 |
Name (EN) | Hour of Poetic Justice |
Name (KR) | 권선징악의 시간 |
Name (JP) | 勧善懲悪の時間 |
Collectable | No |
Hidden | No |
Script |
::PassiveAbility_605212 |
Inner type | -1 |
※ Loaded from localization files
/localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 709 ~ 712:
<PassiveDesc ID="605212">
<Name>Hour of Poetic Justice</Name>
<Desc>After swallowing a librarian, temporarily double Max Stagger Resist and fully recover it; then all Stagger damage resistances change to "Fatal" for the next Scene. The number of Speed dice change, and different Combat Pages will be used. If Wolf Roland is Staggered within the Scene, expel the captive librarian.</Desc>