Passive: The Role of the Wolf

Cost 1 Name The Role of the Wolf Rarity Paperback (Common)
Description On combat start, swallows a random assistant librarian. If the swallowed librarian escapes or gets digested, swallows another librarian after 2 Scenes.
Used by Unused or scripted
Name (EN)The Role of the Wolf
Name (KR)늑대의 역할
Name (JP)狼の役割
Script ::PassiveAbility_605211
Inner type-1
※ Loaded from localization files
LOR: /localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 705 ~ 708:

<PassiveDesc ID="605211">
<Name>The Role of the Wolf</Name>
<Desc>On combat start, swallows a random assistant librarian. If the swallowed librarian escapes or gets digested, swallows another librarian after 2 Scenes.</Desc>