Passive: Sharp Claws

Cost 1 Name Sharp Claws Rarity Paperback (Common)
Description Inflict 1 Scars to target on hit. Deal bonus damage equal to stacks of Scars on target. Dice gain +2 Power against targets with 4 or more Scars.
Used by Unused or scripted
Name (EN)Sharp Claws
Name (KR)날카로운 발톱
Name (JP)鋭い爪
Script ::PassiveAbility_605120
Inner type-1
※ Loaded from localization files
LOR: /localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 691 ~ 694:

<PassiveDesc ID="605120">
<Name>Sharp Claws</Name>
<Desc>Inflict 1 Scars to target on hit. Deal bonus damage equal to stacks of Scars on target. Dice gain +2 Power against targets with 4 or more Scars.</Desc>