Passive: The World’s Most Beautiful Performance

Cost 1 Name The World’s Most Beautiful Performance Rarity Paperback (Common)
Description Follows a unique pattern of behavior that cycles every 6 Scenes. Resistances and the amount of Speed dice change every Scene.
Used by Unused or scripted
Name (EN)The World’s Most Beautiful Performance
Name (KR)세상에서 가장 아름다운 연주
Name (JP)この世で最も美しい演奏
Script ::PassiveAbility_405611
Inner type-1
※ Loaded from localization files
LOR: /localize/en/EN_CreaturePassive_Final.xml, lines 418 ~ 421:

<PassiveDesc ID="405611">
<Name>The World’s Most Beautiful Performance</Name>
<Desc>Follows a unique pattern of behavior that cycles every 6 Scenes. Resistances and the amount of Speed dice change every Scene.</Desc>