Passive: Engraved Spite

Cost 1 Name Engraved Spite Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Description If this remains by the end of the Scene, it is nailed to the ground. The last die of the Combat Page used on the fifth Scene is recycled once for each weapon on the ground.
Used by
Guest 170311 #BlackSilence4_Weapon1
Guest 170312 #BlackSilence4_Weapon2
Guest 170313 #BlackSilence4_Weapon3
Guest 170314 #BlackSilence4_Weapon6
Guest 170315 #BlackSilence4_Weapon4
Guest 170316 #BlackSilence4_Weapon5
Guest 170317 #BlackSilence4_Weapon7
Guest 170318 #BlackSilence4_Weapon8
Guest 170319 #BlackSilence4_Weapon9
Name (EN)Engraved Spite
Name (KR)새겨지는 앙심
Name (JP)刻まれる執念
Script ::PassiveAbility_170320
Inner type-1
LOR: /PassiveList.xml, lines 1361 ~ 1364:

<Passive ID="170320">