Passive: Linked Souls

Cost 1 Name Linked Souls Rarity Paperback (Common)
Description If Soul Link is lowered to 0 before it expires, the character's damage resistances change to "Normal" and Stagger damage resistances to "Fatal" for the next 2 Scenes, and is inflicted with 3 Paralysis. Otherwise, recover HP and Stagger Resist when Soul Link expires, and set the amount to that of the character with the higher HP.
Used by Unused or scripted
Name (EN)Linked Souls
Name (KR)영혼 연결
Name (JP)魂の繋がり
Script ::PassiveAbility_170200
Inner type-1
※ Loaded from localization files
LOR: /localize/en/EN_PassiveDesc.xml, lines 1300 ~ 1304:

<PassiveDesc ID="170200">
<Name>Linked Souls</Name>
<Desc>If Soul Link is lowered to 0 before it expires, the character's damage resistances change to "Normal" and Stagger damage resistances to "Fatal" for the next 2 Scenes, and is inflicted with 3 Paralysis.
Otherwise, recover HP and Stagger Resist when Soul Link expires, and set the amount to that of the character with the higher HP.</Desc>