Keypage: Eileen’s Page

Name Eileen’s Page
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Impurity
Type Player Collectable Yes
Range Melee Base Light 4 / 4 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 97 59 2–7 Normal Normal Endured Normal Normal Endured
Passive abilities
Sister Pages
Guest 1302011 Eileen’s Page
Guest 1402011 Eileen’s Page

Where we live, there is nothing that can be achieved with your own will. A flow that we cannot go against dictates us. What we call “gears” are simply there to show the flow. You can’t see it with your eyes. Nobody knows who created this massive current, or why we must follow it. This flow never leads us to bad places, however. Rather, thinking that such a place exists is an act of defiance in itself.

We merely watch events unfold as bystanders. You walk along a path, but was it you who laid the path there? You didn’t teach yourself to lift your legs to propel you forward; they simply moved. Furthermore, the decision to walk wasn’t our own, either. Still too many believe that they moved their legs out of their own volition. It’s a shame to see them struggle to escape the flow, for they’re only straying away from salvation.

Name (EN)Eileen’s Page
Name (KR)에일린의 책장
Name (JP)エイリーンのページ
Max In Inventory1
Internal Name에일린
Passives[10008, 1300001, 260007, 240026, 250114, 250214]
LOR: /EquipPage_ch7.xml, lines 200 ~ 232:

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