Keypage: Irina’s Page

Name Irina’s Page
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Star of the City
Type Player Collectable Yes
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 96 59 2–6 Endured Normal Endured Normal Normal Normal
Passive abilities
Can be dropped from
254001 Book of Irina
Sister Pages
Guest 154001 Irina’s Page

Did you know? Many people whom insurance companies employ are those who have experience with detective work involving investigations and deduction. Since we deal with huge sums of money, there are more than a few cases where our clients deliberately harm themselves or lie to us in an attempt to commit insurance fraud. A considerable number of calls we get actually aren’t mere incidents. How do we tell apart a real accident from the fake ones, then? Haha, that’s a business secret. Well, maybe a little hint… Oftentimes, something will be off about the way they act or talk. I told you that folks who used to do detective work frequently jump over to our industry, right? Those armchair fellows certainly have their wits… Their keen eyes will catch the signs hidden in even the most elaborate of disguises.
They say the terms can be a little too particular, but I disagree. When handling that much money, it doesn’t hurt to be thorough with inspecting and determining the validity of cases, right? If people started reaping insurance payouts for the smallest things, our business wouldn’t survive. You’d be surprised to learn how many people in the City still cling to the idea of get-rich-quick schemes.

Name (EN)Irina’s Page
Name (KR)이리나의 책장
Name (JP)イリーナのページ
Max In Inventory1
Internal Name이리나
Passives[10008, 254001, 254002, 254003]
LOR: /EquipPage_ch6.xml, lines 1057 ~ 1084:

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