Keypage: Nikolai’s Page

Name Nikolai’s Page
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Star of the City
Type Player Collectable Yes
Range Melee Base Light 4 / 4 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 101 53 2–7 Normal Endured Normal Normal Endured Normal
Passive abilities
Can be dropped from
250026 Book of Nikolai
250031 Complete Book of Nikolai
Sister Pages
Guest 150023 Nikolai’s Page
Guest 150031 Nikolai’s Page

In the past, the Fourth Pack was considered a thorn in the side of R Corp. In other words, we were a headache that they couldn’t find a good enough excuse to remove. Which was frankly understandable as we were a total foul-up of an army at the time, and it took a considerable amount of time for us to improve to our current state.
The Rhino Team: Powerful, but easily agitated and uses its strength to destroy everything all too often.
The Reindeer Team: Prone to suffer a nervous breakdown in prolonged battles, causing damage to its allies.
And the Rabbit Team: Their thirst for blood leaves no margin for sloppiness at the cost of killing civilians.
To put it in the nicest way possible, they had a unique niche only they could fill; and as a matter of fact, bringing them to orthodox battles would do more harm than good. Not so long after, I received the news that they were planning to destroy our Pack. Perhaps they deemed it a waste to spend any more energy on us.

The news of destruction didn’t come off as much of a surprise as I’d expected. Or maybe I was so panicked that my hair had turned white. There wasn’t much I could say. What more can I say to this person, who isn’t even part of R Corp. All I can do is humbly accept my fate. The guest, who had an impressive pair of red eyes and dashing brown hair, looked at me and gently smiled. Her demeanor took a sharp, cold turn. I wouldn’t have been able to tell that this person had a talkative and lighthearted side if I hadn’t seen her speak mere moments ago.

After a moment of silence, she slowly opened her mouth. A large-scale war was about to occur. If we made big enough contributions in that war, we might be able to avoid being destroyed. That wasn’t a suggestion or a plea for help. It was a semi-mandatory request. The reward: We get to avoid termination. Her attitude was something else; the way she confidently delivered her speech in front of me gave off a certain sense of conviction. It was as if she were saying she’s going to make the war happen. Baffled, I let out a bout of laughter. I knew we weren’t in the position to refuse it.

And she was right; a huge war broke out soon after. Thick smoke covered that Nest.

Name (EN)Nikolai’s Page
Name (KR)니콜라이의 책장
Name (JP)ニコライのページ
Max In Inventory1
Internal Name니콜라이
Passives[10008, 250123, 250023, 250223]
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