Keypage: A Smiling Face’s Page

Name A Smiling Face’s Page
Rarity Paperback (Common)
Chapter Urban Nightmare
Type Player Collectable Yes
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 77 40 2–6 Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
Passive abilities
Can be dropped from
240019 Book of Wang
240020 Book of Jin
240021 Book of Mi
240022 Book of the Smiling Faces
Sister Pages
Guest 140026 A Smiling Face’s Page

The rules o’ the Backstreets don’t work in the Nest, and the opposite’s also true. You could drag a higher-up working for whatchamacallit from the Nest to the Backstreets and do whatsit to ‘em and get away with it, as long as it was during the Night in the Backstreets and no sneaky rat saw you doin’ it. But if you did the same whatsit in the Nest, you’d be breaking rules. The Night in the Backstreets is only a thing in the Backstreets, like da name suggests.

Name (EN)A Smiling Face’s Page
Name (KR)웃는 얼굴들의 책장
Name (JP)笑う顔たちのページ
Max In Inventory5
Internal Name웃는 얼굴들
LOR: /EquipPage_ch5.xml, lines 545 ~ 571:

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