Keypage: A WARP Cleanup Agent’s Page
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Name A WARP Cleanup Agent’s Page |
Passive abilities
Sigh… They ain’t going to raise the ticket prices or run fewer trains like the last time, are they? Whaddaya mean, cap? Lobotomy Corp—the company that was supplying our energy needs—went down recently. That’s a good point, it’s harder to operate the trains with less energy… What do you mean by “last time”, though? Oh, you’re too new to know? Back in the day, L Corp’s Nest was occupied by another energy company. So, that company puttered out and put our corporation into the same sort of energy shortage we’re dealing with now? Not quite. It did go bust eventually, but it’s more that the company was stingy about sharing its energy. Awfully strict, too… I heard it had a bad reputation among its partnered companies. Because they were so tight-arsed about energy supply, we had to reduce the number of trains running at the time for a while. I had no idea… Don’t count on me, though. I also picked this story up from my superior. That’s enough chittering, let’s get back to work. |
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