Keypage: A Workshop-affiliated Fixer’s Page

Name A Workshop-affiliated Fixer’s Page
Rarity Hardcover (Uncommon)
Chapter Urban Plague
Type Player Collectable Yes
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 64 34 2–5 Weak Normal Normal Normal Normal Weak
Passive abilities
Can be dropped from
230028 Book of a Workshop-affiliated Fixer
Sister Pages
Guest 133001 A Workshop-affiliated Fixer’s Page

In the City, there are as many workshops as there are unique gadgets. And the Tres Association is the one responsible for managing those workshops in general. It reviews newly designed weapons, files applications to the Head, and charges taxes for them. You can’t use the weapons that haven’t passed their evaluation. Getting a rejection from them basically means they see the weapon as something that shouldn’t be used in this City. They aren’t too cold about it, though. They sometimes send the applicants feedback about how they can improve their designs to a passable level. Not that we need it, since our latest weapon passed on the first try!

Name (EN)A Workshop-affiliated Fixer’s Page
Name (KR)공방 소속 해결사의 책장
Name (JP)工房所属フィクサーのページ
Max In Inventory4
Internal Name공방 소속 해결사
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