Keypage: Lulu’s Friend, Page 4

Name Lulu’s Friend, Page 4
Rarity Hardcover (Uncommon)
Chapter Urban Myth
Type Guest Collectable No
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 45 22 1–4 Fatal Normal Normal Fatal Normal Weak
Passive abilities
Sister Pages
Guest 111008 Lulu’s Friend, Page 4

As her friend, it’s unfortunate that Lulu is struck with grief. I don’t have any tears to shed for her, though. I’ve got my share of rough experiences, I’m just not sharing it with others. Well, I did say I’ll help her out, but the truth is… My Office figured that we could find plenty of valuable loot in the Library. And that’s pretty tempting. The other one is probably thinking the same thing as me. I mean, what dummy would actually head to such a dangerous place motivated purely by a friend’s sob story? That kind of intimate and deep relationship is long gone from this world. Especially in this business.

That’s why I can’t understand Lulu. Sure, let’s say that her colleague died there. Even then, she should be valuing her own life, shouldn’t she? She can be so stupid at times… Welp, I have to go in with her anyway.

Name (EN)Lulu’s Friend, Page 4
Name (KR)루루친구의 책장4
Name (JP)ルルの友達のページ4
Internal Name루루친구4-드랍테이블에서 제외시킴
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