Keypage: Yun’s Page

Name Yun’s Page
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Canard
Type Player Collectable Yes
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 46 22 2–4 Fatal Normal Normal Fatal Normal Normal
Passive abilities
Can be dropped from
200005 Book of Yun’s Office
200007 Book of Yun
210007 A Backstreets Fixer, Vol. Ⅱ
Sister Pages
Guest 100006 Yun’s Page

Finn was bungling in many ways. He had no talent, he refused to take modification procedures, all he armed himself with was a tiny weapon. I didn’t exactly dislike him, though. They say a delicate person like him is nothing short of pathetic here, but he had passion regardless, and he was going to be our colleague from now on. Besides, it’s not too common to see such a passionate fellow in this grueling mess of a City. He was an interesting one.

Then why did I exploit him? …“Exploit” is a rather harsh word to describe it, if you ask me. A sloppy kid like him would’ve gotten killed anyway, abducted in the Backstreets and fading away while witnessing his innards getting ripped from his body. And that’s one of the tamer examples I could give. In this City, worse things are happening here and there on a daily basis. If he didn’t die there, he could’ve faced a much more terrible fate somewhere else, isn’t that right? …Nevermind, this is all but rationalization. Think what you want.

Name (EN)Yun’s Page
Name (KR)윤의 책장
Name (JP)ユンのページ
Max In Inventory3
Internal Name
LOR: /EquipPage_ch1.xml, lines 110 ~ 131:

<Book ID="200006">
<Passive Level="10">200006</Passive>