Keypage: Rudolph’s Page

Name Rudolph’s Page
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Star of the City
Type Guest Collectable No
Range Melee Base Light 4 / 4 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 152 95 2–7 Normal Endured Normal Normal Endured Normal
Passive abilities
Sister Pages
Player 250026 Rudolph’s Page
Guest 150030 Rudolph’s Page
Guest 150034 Rudolph’s Page

R Corp. is particularly famous as a private military company. No matter how many combatants die in battle, we fill the vacancy with new soldiers in no time. It was natural for the Wings giving us requests to wonder what kind of Singularity we have to pump out so many mercenaries in such a short time frame. Besides, our soldiers weren’t lacking in combat prowess by any means, so there had to be more to us than just hiring many people. The mercenaries of R Corp. don’t fear death in the first place; they don’t hesitate to carry out any tasks. We’re big in numbers, casualties are replaced quickly, and we fearlessly proceed and get the job done. R Corp’s mercs were ideal for Outskirts explorations and other dangerous operations.

How could such a feat be possible, then? People started making guesses.
“There has to be only one answer: They must be cloning people.”
“No, they’ve got to be robots. R Corp. has been developing war machines in secret!”
“Won’t the Head arrest them if they tried to clone humans?”
“That’s a good point.”

At the end of the day people just laughed it off, talking about how nonsensical their hypotheses were and how secretive Singularities are. Maybe they had the right answer, though they missed the mark a bit.

Combat Dialogue
    • We didn’t need the help of the other teams.
    • I’ll say that you did a good job, for courtesy’s sake.
    • We’d better use more caution.
    • It’s starting to look dangerous… My mind isn’t quite stable.
    • It’s all a matter of mental prowess…
    • …Not yet… The job isn’t done yet…
    • I guess you weren’t quite enough to stop us, eh?
    • Reindeer. We’re getting there.
    • Hurry it up! We’ll be at a disadvantage if this goes on for too long.
    • Reindeer, let’s sweep them down with haste.
    • They don’t look like an easy opponent. Keep it together, all.
Name (EN)Rudolph’s Page
Name (KR)루돌프의 책장
Name (JP)ルドルフのページ
Dialogue Groupr_corp_ep1
Dialogue CharR_Corp_Rudolph_1
Added Start Draw+3
Internal Name루돌프 1차
Passives[10001, 250123, 251003, 251103, 250026]
LOR: /EquipPage_enemy_ch6_R.xml, lines 97 ~ 127:

<Book ID="150026">
<Name>루돌프 1차</Name>
Used by 1 unit: