Keypage: Gloria’s Page

Name Gloria’s Page
Rarity Objet d'art (Unique)
Chapter Star of the City
Type Guest Collectable No
Range Melee Base Light 4 / 4 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 210 125 2–7 Endured Normal Normal Endured Normal Normal
Passive abilities
Sister Pages
Player 250017 Gloria’s Page

The Index has an arsenal of swords and blades. Most of the Prescripts we receive can be solved with a sword, too. Mmm~ Never really thought about why we use swords, nope! Maybe it’s because they have this oppressive aura and make us look serious or something?!

Each of us uses different types of blades. Starting with the ranks of Messengers and Proxies, the Prescripts give personalized swords. From a light one-edged sword fit for slicing things quickly; to heavy, double-edged greatswords~ They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes. Helps us stand out from each other. As for me, I’ve got five whole blades~ Maybe being speedy helped? It looks like we get swords that fit our traits~ Have you seen the sword Hubert’s carrying? It looks so heavy, and he swings it like it’s nothing.

Combat Dialogue
    • That wasn’t hard to complete~
    • Was taking these books part of the Prescript~?
    • How sad~ But what can I do…
    • You’re just like the liger that greeted us at the door~ Half-baked like the halves you are.
    • No hard feelings~ It’s all in the will of the Prescripts.
    • We’ve almost completed this Prescript~
    • A pity that you had to perish that way~
    • The rest of us gotta finish the Prescript somehow, right~?
    • Hmm, could this be a trial~?
    • I wonder when my demise will be~
    • It won’t take us to the wrong way still~
    • What a bad boy Yan is~ He can’t just send us here and go somewhere else all alone!
    • Another day of carrying out Prescripts~
    • The Prescripts always bring us to the right places~
Name (EN)Gloria’s Page
Name (KR)글로리아의 책장
Name (JP)グローリアのページ
Dialogue Group2
Dialogue CharGloria
Internal Name글로리아
Passives[150017, 250115, 250016, 240018]
LOR: /EquipPage_enemy_ch6_2.xml, lines 65 ~ 95:

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