Keypage: Martina’s Page

Name Martina’s Page
Rarity Limited (Rare)
Chapter Star of the City
Type Guest Collectable No
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 115 59 2–6 Normal Normal Endured Normal Normal Normal
Passive abilities
Sister Pages
Player 250011 Martina’s Page

Notarization is the process of drafting a document to officially certify a deal between two Offices in case things happen… A notarial act is fairly powerful. Through these documents, you can verify various facts and secure executory force. Meaning, if one side doesn’t carry out their part of the contract… The contract can be enforced on them. There’s no need to argue about who is to blame. Notary acts exist to stop unnecessary disputes from occurring, and it’s the job of notary public Offices like Cane Office to help with that…

Oh, and the City is divided into domains… It’s similar to how the Zwei Association sets territories for policing; it’s fair to expect at least one notary public Office in every domain. This isn’t to say that you can only use the notary public in your domain; if you can’t find a notary public, or if the Office isn’t functional for whatever reason, you can always go to other domains… Though it costs a bit more… A lot of people still choose the latter since they need to get business done in a hurry. Not every notary public Office has the same level of professionalism, after all…

Combat Dialogue
    • So info about W Corp… is in this thing…
    • That’s a relief…
    • Rest well… Sorry I couldn’t take that blow for you…
    • So we turn into books when we die…
    • This is not going in our favor… Must watch the situation carefully…
    • This… is how I die…
    • For our goal… I have to do this…
    • We’re getting there… Let’s buck up…
    • There’s mountains of work left to take care after this…
    • Prez… Don’t get too miffed…
    • …Should’ve read the contract more carefully…
    • It’s not too different from our usual job… Just don’t panic…
Name (EN)Martina’s Page
Name (KR)마르티나의 책장
Name (JP)マルティナのページ
Dialogue GroupCane Office
Dialogue CharMartina
Added Start Draw+4
Internal Name마르티나
Passives[10001, 250012, 250110, 250210, 230008, 210003, 3008]
LOR: /EquipPage_enemy_ch6.xml, lines 368 ~ 401:

<Book ID="150011">
<Passive Level="1">10001</Passive>
<Passive Level="1">250012</Passive>
<Passive Level="1">250110</Passive>
<Passive Level="1">250210</Passive>
<!-- enemy only-->
Used by 1 unit: