Keypage: The Carnival’s Page

Name The Carnival’s Page
Rarity Hardcover (Uncommon)
Chapter Canard
Type Guest Collectable No
Range Melee Base Light 3 / 3 Base Speed Dice 1
Specs 58 29 2–5 Weak Normal Normal Weak Normal Endured
Passive abilities
Sister Pages
Player 230001 The Carnival’s Page
Guest 130002 The Carnival’s Page
Guest 130003 The Carnival’s Page

There are many important things to consider as a Fixer, and attire is one of them. A Fixer’s attire is the most effective way to signify the image of an Office. It’s important for an Office to show that it has formality and class; most Offices have set a dress code for that reason.

As much as it’s necessary to choose the right attire according to the code, the most important factor is the fabric that clothing is made of. Quality fabric can offer better protection, lighten the wearer’s weight for quicker movement, or allow the wearer to carry heavy weapons as large as their body. Those who create and provide such fabric are called ‘Tailors’.

We are Tailors who consume people and make silk out of them. Whether it’s melting people inside our belly and congealing them in a mold, or it’s unraveling humans into the thread they’re really made of, the fundamentals do not matter. This technology doesn’t originally belong to us. We merely took hold of a technology that came off patent when a Wing was broken. The only thing that matters is that silk made from humans has strength that differentiates it from ordinary thread. Only those who crave it visit us.

Cloth weaved from human silk possesses various powers depending on the human’s strengths. Some humans may have a strong body, another may be fragile but wise, and yet another may flaunt incredible speed. Since the silk reflects the characteristics of the human it was made from, there are as many forms and powers of cloth as there are humans in this world. Therefore, there is more to being a Tailor than simply weaving silk carefully. Picking the right people to meet the demands of the client is the most important. Hastily making silk out of a human that looks courageous on the outside might end up yielding useless cloth that does nothing but bolster courage, so one must be careful with picking the right material.

Not every piece of fabric is accessible, however. It takes more than cash to purchase high-class fabric; one must earn the favor of Tailors first and foremost. Many Tailors will only give their best fabric once the trust between them and their client has been established after complex turns of events.

Because of that, Tailors who make high-quality fabric usually belong to an organization and create cloth exclusively for them. But we were different. Until the Index gave us a Prescript, we did our work without taking orders from anyone, unchained to any Syndicate or other organization. We were free, as some may call it.

L8372-#928: ‘Eat 15 Sweepers and extract silk from them to make fabric.’

Combat Dialogue
    • Eat book? Could create fancier silk?
    • Must hurry along? Have Prescript to carry out.
    • Got ahead of yourself? Got done.
    • Sad? Long-time colleague has died.
    • Not dangerous yet? Fine so far.
    • …Did not taste too good.
    • Attacks were easy to read. Is easy?
    • Must get rid of quickly. Become nuisance?
    • Will not let such tiny humans get me.
    • Begin? Not seem weak. Caution?
    • Look tasty? Thought, not human.
    • Do you taste as disgusting as Sweepers?
Name (EN)The Carnival’s Page
Name (KR)사육제의 책장
Name (JP)謝肉祭のページ
Dialogue GroupThe Carnival
Dialogue CharAlpha
Internal Name알파
LOR: /EquipPage_enemy_ch4.xml, lines 3 ~ 23:

<Book ID="130001">
<Passive Level="1">230001</Passive>
Used by 1 unit: