Story: TipherethEpisode 1

TipherethEpisode 1 SYSTEM: Set BACKGROUND: 'tipherethBK', effect: 'none' SYSTEM: SHOW character: Tiphereth (id: 'tiphereth_a') at 'right', direction: 'left' SYSTEM: SHOW character: Tiphereth (id: 'tiphereth_b') at 'left' SYSTEM: Play BGM: 'Town_-_Alone_In_A_Crowd' Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Heya, manager. I’m Tiphereth! Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') Nice to meet you. I’m Tiphereth, too. Are you two twins? Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Of course we are, isn’t it obvious? We’re twins. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') But if your question is whether we are biological twins, then no. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') In other words, trying to differentiate us is meaningless. Do you two share the same name? Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Of course we are, isn’t it obvious? We’re twins. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') But if your question is whether we are biological twins, then no. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') In other words, trying to differentiate us is meaningless. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') We’re in charge of the Central Command Team. The department for Central Command is a huge one, so there are two of us to handle everything. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') Like two peas in a pod. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Isn’t that fortunate? Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Seeing as you’ve survived your duties long enough to meet with us, I won’t have to bore the both of us with the basics of things like what Abnormalities are and how to manage them, right? Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') If you turn out to be a disappointment, know that not even your status as the manager will let you get away with it. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') I know you’ll do fine, manager. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Here’s a word of advice. I’m nothing like those Upper Sephirot you’ve gotten used to, so don’t treat me like I’m one of them. They’re a bunch of idiots. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') But in technical aspects, we’re not so different. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') What I’m trying to say is, the Uppers are only good at pretending to be busy when they don’t even have much work to begin with. I can’t even believe we’re all considered to be Sephirot! Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Hmph. Anyways, the Central Command Department is where the true story starts. I don’t care if it disappoints you or gives you encouragement, all I care about is that you have good performance in your work. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') I hope that you’ll find some encouragement here. SYSTEM: SHOW character: Netzach (id: 'netzach') at 'center' SYSTEM: Play BGM: 'Tilarids - never frozen bottom flows' Netzach (Id: 'netzach') Hey, Tiphereth. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') ….. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') Hi, Netzach. Netzach (Id: 'netzach') Since you’re both Tiphereth, I guess that counts as you both greeting me... Here’s the plan for the joint operation drill between the Safety Team and the Central Command Team tomorrow. Please look it over. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Look it over? I bet I’ll have to rewrite the entire thing from scratch! Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') Just leave it over there, Netzach. I’ll give it a review and let you know. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Tiphereth, you’re too soft. There’s no need to be kind to an addict like Netzach, you might end up catching “Upper Layer Syndrome” that way. Speaking of, that plan of yours came two days later than I requested! Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') But Netzach can work fine when he’s motivated to. You know that. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Results are not the problem here. The point is, Lady Angela is way too easy on us. If I were her, I would have punished this addict right at the first infraction. Netzach (Id: 'netzach') That’d please Yesod alright. Why don’t you two go and have some serious discussion on implementing a penalty point system? I bet it’ll be productive… Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Oh, just be quiet! Buzz off to that Upper Layer of yours where you belong. Netzach (Id: 'netzach') I was about to. See ya, Tiphereth. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') Yeah, bye Netzach. SYSTEM: HIDE character: Netzach (id: 'netzach'), position: 'left' Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Huff. The Upper Sephirot have it way too easy. Not that the Middle Sephirot are any better in my eyes… Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') I like our Middle Sephirot, they’re cheerful and make me laugh! Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') How many times do I have to tell you? You shouldn’t laugh so easily. We have to be strict, stern, and stoic! We’re the centermost, the Central Command Team! Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') Don’t worry, Tiphereth, I know. By the way, don’t we have something to discuss with the manager? Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') Oh, manager, you’re still here? Well, I have an assignment for you. Don’t even think about slacking off. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_b') The manager will do fine, like he always does. Tiphereth (Id: 'tiphereth_a') And he could fail too, like he always does.