Story: HokmaEpisode 3

HokmaEpisode 3 SYSTEM: Set BACKGROUND: 'hokmaBK', effect: 'none' SYSTEM: SHOW character: Hokma (id: 'hokma') at 'center' SYSTEM: Play BGM: '4 - Sea Wind' Hokma (Id: 'hokma') The idea that I am sitting at the bottom, oblivious to what is happening up there… Hokma (Id: 'hokma') It is an idea you might think of as true. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') However, it is in truth you who is unknowing. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Pain, agony, regret, and the shadows of the past that would never release their grip on you… Hokma (Id: 'hokma') They’ve spent quite a number of days with you, but it is nothing compared to our time together. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') In the end, they never got to know you to the fullest. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Those who could not accept their fate seem to have directed their anger towards you. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Such as that one man, he who gradually broke himself whenever he was ordered to “redact information.” Hokma (Id: 'hokma') The unnecessary leakage of emotion is unfavorable. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') There is something I need to show you, so you can understand. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') There once was an employee named Anya. She lived with her parents and her little sister. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') She eagerly wanted to study, but her family’s financial state wouldn’t allow her. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Still, she tried to join one of the Wings. However, she just wasn’t good enough for them. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Poor Anya was struggling to figure out what to do next, she even considered ending it all as a last resort. That was until she received a letter from a Wing. SYSTEM: SHOW_EXDIAG: "Dear Ms. Anastasia," Hokma (Id: 'hokma') A letter that had a simple, yet magical line penned to it. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') “You are qualified to join Lobotomy Corporation.” Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Awestruck, Anya read through the letter over and over again. SYSTEM: hide_exdiag Hokma (Id: 'hokma') It didn’t seem like anyone was pulling a prank on her, nor that it was a mistake on the mail courier’s part. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') For a brief moment, Anya wondered if she even applied to work at Lobotomy Corporation at all. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') But she soon shook that thought off. That was not important in the slightest. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') I took the role of the courier. I was the one who delivered the letters to people. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') I evaluate candidates to determine if they may join here or not, and bring a miracle to those who are qualified. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Anya was not selected because she had “excellent skill”. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') She had a common trait that every person we hired had, but wasn’t aware of. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') As you know, to become a feather, a part of the Wing, one has to be immensely better than ordinary people. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') How could Anya, who dropped out of high school, had no special talents, and lived in the Backstreets, manage to get into our company? Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Would her family finally be able to pursue happiness? Hokma (Id: 'hokma') All of this happened ten years ago. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') During those ten years, her sister fell ill and passed away, along with her parents. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Where is Anya now, with her entire family gone? Hokma (Id: 'hokma') She is asleep down here. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') It is wholly under my jurisdiction to handle this, but I’ll grant you access just this once. SYSTEM: Play SOUND: 'noise' SYSTEM: Play BGM: '8- Dark Fantasy Studio- Shadow tunnel' SYSTEM: add_filter ( filter: 'nightvision3' ) SYSTEM: add_filter ( filter: 'super_computer1' ) SYSTEM: add_filter ( filter: 'tv_arcade2' ) Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Call her up, please. Invoke her. SYSTEM: Play SOUND: 'changenoise' SYSTEM: add_filter ( filter: 'tv_distorted_fade' ) SYSTEM: wait ( time: '1' ) SYSTEM: remove_filter ( filter: 'tv_distorted_fade' ) Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Now Anya is at work, feeling like she is a brand new employee who just joined the company. Completely oblivious to the fact that it has been ten years since she actually joined us. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') You could, perhaps, choose to pay a small cost to augment her virtues such as Fortitude or Prudence, if you wish. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Now, try to erase her, please. Clear her away. SYSTEM: Play SOUND: 'changenoise' SYSTEM: Stop BGM SYSTEM: Play SOUND: 'SFX Game Over Scream' SYSTEM: add_filter ( filter: 'tv_distorted_fade' ) SYSTEM: wait ( time: '1' ) SYSTEM: remove_filter ( filter: 'tv_distorted_fade' ) SYSTEM: remove_filter ( filter: 'super_computer1' ) SYSTEM: remove_filter ( filter: 'tv_arcade2' ) SYSTEM: remove_filter ( filter: 'nightvision3' ) SYSTEM: Play BGM: '18- Dark Fantasy Studio- Reaper' Hokma (Id: 'hokma') How do you feel? Hokma (Id: 'hokma') The Anya who was killed by a monster, and that Anya whom you just erased are one and the same. They both evanescently lost their lives. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') It is such a futile action, to wake them and erase them to slumber, again and again. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Both your attachment to the employees, and the Sephirot’s care and devotion poured into them, become meaningless here. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Everything that moves and is alive in this facility is on pause. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') They await the next morning with their eyes shut tight every night. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Those of the layers above did not know that. They spent themselves emotionally for the deaths with which they were presented. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') Bearing obscure resentment in their hearts, they put all the blame on those like you, then they crumbled, just like that... Hokma (Id: 'hokma') I urge you not to worry about me, I will not dare to do such a thing. Hokma (Id: 'hokma') I have always wanted to be an important part of your life.