Story: ChesedEpisode 2

ChesedEpisode 2 SYSTEM: Set BACKGROUND: 'chesedBK', effect: 'none' SYSTEM: SHOW character: Chesed (id: 'chesed') at 'center' SYSTEM: Play BGM: 'Town_-_VIP_Lounge' Chesed (Id: 'chesed') Well, it seems you did alright. Looks like you’re not as useless as they say. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') Try not to overdo it though, ok? Chesed (Id: 'chesed') Manager, you’ve accomplished quite a few things already. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') What you’ve already gotten through will have lengthened the lives of our employees by at least some degree. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') So… you should hopefully be satisfied now. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') It’s not that I can’t see from your point of view. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') You came to Lobotomy Corporation, and you probably want to put forth your best effort to mould this place into something better. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') But this place is just like a cup of coffee gone cold ages ago. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') I get that it’s a strange comparison, but that’s how it is for me. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') It’d be better off for all of us in the end if I were to at least feign our noble and benevolent posture, now wouldn’t it? Chesed (Id: 'chesed') The same goes for you, manager. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') I said it before, there’s no need to invest your emotions and effort into such drivel. I’ll ignore that. I have to rebuke you there. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') …Alright, alright. Suit yourself, Mister Passionate. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') I will say that I’m curious how long that fire in your heart will last. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') I’ll get going now, I’m actually quite busy, even though I seem relaxed. SYSTEM: Display CG: 'BlackCG' SYSTEM: HIDE character: Chesed (id: 'chesed') SYSTEM: Play BGM: 'Dungeon_-_Psych_Ward_ALT' Chesed (Id: 'chesed') Lady Angela, please have a look at this. I spent the whole night researching an efficient method to improve the welfare of our employees. SYSTEM: Hide CG SYSTEM: SHOW character: Chesed (id: 'chesed') at 'center' Chesed (Id: 'chesed') …Hah, that’s funny. Chesed (Id: 'chesed') Just look who’s talking.