Story: The Seed of Light50%

The Seed of Light50% SYSTEM: Play BGM: '10- Dark Fantasy Studio- Until dawn' SYSTEM: SHOW character: Angela (id: 'angela') at 'center' Angela (Id: 'angela') I had wanted to free myself from the pain, but I realized it was impossible. Angela (Id: 'angela') It was only recently that I found my answer. Angela (Id: 'angela') It is that I have to accept the pain as something I’ve borne from the beginning, then I can be set free. Angela (Id: 'angela') Manager, if you are suffering too, just take in the pain and accept it. Angela (Id: 'angela') You don’t have to keep changing things if it’s too hard for you. Angela (Id: 'angela') I know you want to keep pressing on in any way possible. Angela (Id: 'angela') You felt lost and scared of the present, so all you could do was blindly trace along the way through the dark. Angela (Id: 'angela') I admired such determination at first. Angela (Id: 'angela') But now… you look so pathetic. Angela (Id: 'angela') How long do you think you can keep this up? Angela (Id: 'angela') Will you ever make it to the end? SYSTEM: HIDE character: Angela (id: 'angela') SYSTEM: wait ( time: '0.2' )