Story: BinahEpisode 3

BinahEpisode 3 SYSTEM: SHOW character: Binah (id: 'binah') at 'center' SYSTEM: Set BACKGROUND: 'binahBK', effect: 'none' SYSTEM: Play BGM: '2 - Into The Deep' Binah (Id: 'binah') As you find them in quotidian life, fierce fights break out every day here. Binah (Id: 'binah') You’ve seen this innumerable times, no? Binah (Id: 'binah') With enough time, Abnormalities come back to life. No matter how many fragments they’re broken into. Binah (Id: 'binah') It’s one of the facts that drove Gebura mad. Binah (Id: 'binah') She took far too much time to understand that the Abnormalities have to be exploited, not ended. Binah (Id: 'binah') Or maybe she simply couldn’t free herself from the indignation of her past. Binah (Id: 'binah') Well, that doesn’t concern me. The only thing I know is that I will never ever see what she was before. Binah (Id: 'binah') Nevertheless, I cannot help but be astonished by the potential of E.G.O each time I see her go on a rampage. E.G.O’s potential? Binah (Id: 'binah') You’ll never know it. You’ve never wielded an E.G.O. What’s the reason you’re so astonished? Binah (Id: 'binah') Extracting E.G.O is one of my multitudes of duties. It’s only natural that I am drawn to its potential. Binah (Id: 'binah') In fact, there are many weapons that have enormous power in this world, apart from E.G.O. Binah (Id: 'binah') Artifacts from the Outskirts and from the Ruins, the singularities of the Wings or rudimentary inventions made in the Backstreets. If used correctly, they would be weapons that could fare against Abnormalities somehow. Binah (Id: 'binah') But giving those weapons to employees that never even learned to fight outside of basic training is as useless as teaching a hatchling to hunt. Binah (Id: 'binah') The Rabbits are specialized in killing. They can spot the enemy’s weakness right away and focus their firepower, given that they have enough munitions. Binah (Id: 'binah') As opposed to our employees who cannot even wield weapons efficiently. Binah (Id: 'binah') That’s seeing as combat ability isn’t a requirement to be hired here. Binah (Id: 'binah') But our employees don’t even have to learn to use E.G.O. Binah (Id: 'binah') The power of the E.G.O grows in conjunction with the heart of the wielder. One knows how to use it the moment they wield it. Binah (Id: 'binah') Nevertheless, even though they wield that power, the majority of employees can’t control it. Swayed by it, they hardly have a chance against the Abnormalities. Binah (Id: 'binah') I haven’t seen anyone that can draw out the true potential, apart from the Red Mist. Binah (Id: 'binah') To wield E.G.O is to dress oneself in the shell of the ego of another person. Binah (Id: 'binah') The wielder is merely imitating the borrowed ego, unable to completely make the power their own. Binah (Id: 'binah') Had I known that before being locked up here, I would have done anything to get my hands on them. Binah (Id: 'binah') If I could, the circumstances may have changed dramatically. Binah (Id: 'binah') Now I’m confined here, issuing orders to extract E.G.O, forbidden from touching them myself. Binah (Id: 'binah') You must have been scared still, even though my hatred and bloodthirst are locked up inside this rusted metal cage. Binah (Id: 'binah') Don’t you worry; I no longer have anything left. Binah (Id: 'binah') But you never know. The yearning for blood could wax once again, for it is simply sealed, not uprooted.