The Head, The Eye, The Claw — Episode 1 (Stage: 60007)Location: Inside the LibraryRolandBy the by, I thought this Library fell to bits for the most part… But it looks like its power is still there, right?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_2"RolandThere’s gotta be a horde of people watching for the chance to raid this place out there, but no one has broken in so far.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_3"AngelaI find that peculiar as well.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_2"Zena(???)…That, Angela, is because this Library is the shell of your mind and consciousness…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_1"Zena(???)Or E.G.O, as you call it.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_2"Zena(???)It’s the consequence of making a decision that only a human could make…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_3"Zena(???)One that couldn’t be further from what a resident of the City would choose.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_4"Angela…How long have you been here?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_3"RolandA visitor from the Head, huh… The Eye and the Claw, too…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_4"Baral(Executioner of the Claw)Keep perfectly still, or you’ll be torn apart.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Bharal_1"Baral(Executioner of the Claw)Remember. Even you of all cityfolk can be ripped to shreds in your current state.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Bharal_2"RolandDamn…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_5"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)You may have concluded your own little tales, but the Distortion still continues to grave its mark on the City.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_5"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)That new color has permeated the City much too profoundly.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_6"Roland…So now the Head is gonna hold us accountable for the phenomenon, is that it?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_6"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)No one could be held responsible for the Distortion at this point.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_7"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)It breaks my heart to think that it might shift the ecology of the City we had cultivated with care.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_8"AngelaIf so, what brings an agent of the Head here? And why so late?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_4"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)We’re here to expel you and your Library from the City.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_9"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)And to retrieve a certain… degraded colleague of ours.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_10"RolandYou mean…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_7"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)This structure in its entirety will be driven out and relocated to the Outskirts.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_12"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)The Library has already become an Impurity of the City. We couldn’t stand by any longer.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_13"AngelaAre you disturbed by its powers?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_5"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)Not quite.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_14"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)The sole reason is you: Angela.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_15"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)An entity that isn’t human entertained thoughts that only a human should have.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_16"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)You poor machine… No matter how much you contemplate and enrich your mind, you cannot become human if you aren’t born as one.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_17"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)When I thought you might turn into a human at the end, you let go of all you had during that critical moment.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_18"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)Had you fully become a human at the culmination of the ordeal, the City would have been more willing to accept you, alas.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_19"AngelaI don’t care if I have to stay as a machine.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_6"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)A machine with a heart has no place in this City.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_20"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)You cannot break free from your origin which defines you.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_21"AngelaWhy does that matter? I’m the only one who has a say in defining MY identity. I don’t need any flimsy husk to do it for me.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_7"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)How contemptible that your line of thought is so dangerously close to what a human must aspire to reach.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_22"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)You’re further demonstrating why we cannot let you be.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_23"AngelaFor someone who loves to preach humanity, you sure seemed fine with letting Distortions cause many a scene in your precious backyard, hm?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_8"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)By all manner of means, Distortions are one of the many aspects of humanity. Their existence is not wholly wrongful from our point of view.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_24"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)It was simply time for them to emerge.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_25"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)Are they not more bearable than a meager machine putting up the charade of being human?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_26"Angela…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_9"Luda(Beholder of the Eye)So do yourself a favor and throw away that crumpled piece of paper. You’ve done something so cute so nervelessly.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Luda_2"RolandAnd what if we made you kick the bucket here?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_8"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)The expulsion will still take place as planned. It’s inevitable.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_27"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)This matter goes beyond you and the Library; L Corp. itself was a stain and a blemish to the Head.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_28"AngelaNo wonder it is. To trounce over L Corp’s Singularity and its end goal, you dispatched an Arbiter by the name of Binah…Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_10"AngelaNo, it was Garion, wasn’t it—regardless, it ended in utter failure, did it not?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_11"Luda(Beholder of the Eye)Garion did such a sloppy job dealing with it. And now the chasm has grown too wide.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Luda_3"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)Angela… The machine with the mind of a human.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_39"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)The door mustn’t be closed because of something like you.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_40"AngelaIf I’m understanding this right, you wish to put me to death and kick the Library out into the Outskirts, is that correct?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_12"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)You’ve guessed right.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_41"AngelaI exist in this place as myself, standing on my two feet with my own strength. I have no problem brushing off the bullshit you’re spewing on my doorstep.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_13"AngelaAnd… You sure are verbose company, just like Binah.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_14"AngelaYou always add needless comments as if you just can’t help it.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_15"Zena(Arbiter of the Head)…Executioner.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Zena_42"Baral(Executioner of the Claw)…!Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Bharal_3"RolandI thought the Library ceased pretty much all of its functions?Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_10"AngelaAs that Arbiter said, the Library is my E.G.O.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_16"AngelaIn that case, I can perform such feats without breaking a sweat.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_17"AngelaAlthough this is only a temporary retreat, similar to how guests are greeted.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_18"RolandWe’re finally receiving guests from the Head itself, huh… I guess these are the last ones we’ll get to greet from here.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_11"AngelaIt seems they are. I don’t have to stay in this Nest, anyway.Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Angela_19"RolandGood for us, saves the trouble of packing stuff up to move!Audio: "ch7_End_ep1_Roland_12"