Story: The Red MistEpisode 1

  1. Location: Inside the Library
  2. Location: Library Entrance
The Red MistEpisode 1 (Stage: 50009) Location: Inside the Library Roland (Servant) You called me here all of a sudden… What’s up? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_1" Angela (Library Director) Remember when I said we might be able to lure the Blue Reverberation using a theoretical book of the Red Mist? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_1" Roland (Servant) So, you’re ready to do that? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_2" Roland (Servant) Hold on… You aren’t actually gonna turn Gebura into a book, are you? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_3" Angela (Library Director) I wouldn’t do such a ruthless thing. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_2" Angela (Library Director) There’s a few things the Red Mist left behind, and I could use them to invite the Red Mist in her former glory as our guest. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_3" Angela (Library Director) I think I could recreate her somehow. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_4" Angela (Library Director) Though she can only exist within the bounds of the Library, of course. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_5" Roland (Servant) So we’re basically simulating her? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_4" Angela (Library Director) I suppose you could put it that way. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_6" Roland (Servant) But we need books to invite guests here. What kind of books are we gonna have to prepare for attracting the Red Mist? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_5" Angela (Library Director) …Books about Lobotomy Corporation. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_7" Roland (Servant) That’s the deal, huh… I get the gist of it. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_6" Angela (Library Director) And I plan to limit certain Patron Librarians from receiving the Red Mist. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_8" Roland (Servant) Cause she’s too tough for them? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_7" Angela (Library Director) That’s not the reason, no. Could the Red Mist stomach wielding her blade against those she worked with? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_9" Angela (Library Director) It’d clearly have adverse effects on both sides. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_10" Roland (Servant) It’s better to have her fight complete strangers, huh… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_8" Roland (Servant) The Red Mist of the past… Who knew that we’d be facing her in person. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_9" Angela (Library Director) It’s intriguing indeed. How does it feel? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_11" Roland (Servant) Thrilling, but also makes me worried… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Roland_10" Location: Library Entrance Kali (The Red Mist) …The hell is this place. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_1-02" Angela (Library Director) This is my first time seeing you in this form, Gebura. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_12" Kali (The Red Mist) Gebura? What gibberish are you saying. And who are you? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_2-01" Angela (Library Director) That’s a fair reaction, I suppose… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_13" Angela (Library Director) Should I call you Kali, then? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_14" Kali (The Red Mist) I said, who’re you… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_3-01" Angela (Library Director) I’m Angela, the director and librarian of my role’s namesake. I invited you here. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_15" Kali (The Red Mist) What? Library? Invited? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_4" Kali (The Red Mist) Am I in yet another weird factory or some shady experimenting grounds… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_5-01" Kali (The Red Mist) No wait, that still doesn’t make sense… I could’ve sworn I was inside the laboratory on the fringe of the Outskirts… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_6" Angela (Library Director) I need to know who you exactly are at the moment, so let me ask you a few questions. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_16" Angela (Library Director) Do you happen to have acquaintance with a person named Carmen? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_17" Kali (The Red Mist) …I knew it, some Wing must be pulling this bullshit trying to trample on us, huh? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_7-02" Angela (Library Director) There’s no need to be so wary. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_18" Angela (Library Director) Answer a few questions of mine, then I can give you the answer you lot are looking for. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_19" Kali (The Red Mist) Go ahead. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_8" Angela (Library Director) …Cogito. A book containing the information on how to obtain the substance you’re desperately looking for is waiting beyond this door. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_20" Angela (Library Director) I simply want to make an offer. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_21" Kali (The Red Mist) …What do you want? I’m warning you, if you try to pull any nonsense on me, this place is gonna be reduced to rubble. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_9-01" Angela (Library Director) It’s simple. First, I want to know the current situation of your group. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_22" Kali (The Red Mist) …If I answer your questions… you’ll tell me how to get Cogito for sure, right? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_10" Angela (Library Director) Of course. Mountains of books containing various kinds of knowledge are stored here. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_23" Angela (Library Director) I simply record and collect such books. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_24" Kali (The Red Mist) …Alright. I’ll trust you this once. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_11" Angela (Library Director) Good. Is Daniel among your peers? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_25" Kali (The Red Mist) …If you’re talking about that blue-haired nerd, then yeah. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_12-01" Angela (Library Director) How about Lisa? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_26" Kali (The Red Mist) …She’s with us. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_13-01" Angela (Library Director) Enoch’s corpse is in storage after an experiment on him went wrong, if I’m correct? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_27" Kali (The Red Mist) Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_14-01" Angela (Library Director) Then I suppose Elijah is naturally still working there? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_28" Kali (The Red Mist) …Yes. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_15-01" Angela (Library Director) It must be when the Red Mist was writing her own legend. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_29" Angela (Library Director) The time when she struggled to protect the grief-stricken Carmen and her colleagues from outside threats. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_30" Angela (Library Director) Oh how pitiful. Is there a word to describe how unfortunate your situation was? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_31" Angela (Library Director) Every researcher in Carmen’s team must have been walking on eggshells, cautious not to hurt her further with words. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_32" Angela (Library Director) They consoled her in her presence, but probably resented her behind her back. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_33" Angela (Library Director) She started the whole project with her convincing speeches, but the research showed no progress, and all they’d been seeing were losses and sacrifices. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_34" Angela (Library Director) Don’t you find her hypocrisy of demurely perpetrating sins while preaching goodness… despicable? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_35" Kali (The Red Mist) …Look, my patience has its limits. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_16-01" Kali (The Red Mist) If you don’t tell me how to acquire Cogito properly, then I won’t simply pass over what you just said. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_17" Kali (The Red Mist) You have no right to make a mockery of our efforts… or her sincerity. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_18-02" Angela (Library Director) …No right, you say. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_36" Angela (Library Director) Never mind. I suppose that was too hostile of me. I won’t even gain anything from saying such bitter things to you now. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_37" Kali (The Red Mist) At least you have the heart to apologize. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_19" Angela (Library Director) I know when to admit my faults, that’s all. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_38" Angela (Library Director) …Kali. Let me ask you one question. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_39" Kali (The Red Mist) …What is it? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_20" Angela (Library Director) I’ve seen many sides of Fixers while taking care of this place. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_40" Angela (Library Director) Most of them were motivated by wealth and fame. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_41" Angela (Library Director) But you’re different. Even without the promise of payment, you were willing to protect Carmen… and everyone else in her laboratory. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_42" Kali (The Red Mist) I ain’t exactly a charity worker, y’know. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_21-02" Angela (Library Director) How could you do it, then? How did you bring yourself to help them unconditionally when you had nothing to gain from it? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_43" Kali (The Red Mist) Is that supposed to be some kind of taunt, or are you actually curious? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_22" Angela (Library Director) I thought your behavior was pathetic at first. You had the power to earn anything for which everyone strove, so I wondered why you would bother taking the path no one else would. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_44" Angela (Library Director) I was looking at the matter in a simple way. You would take nothing in the end. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_45" Angela (Library Director) But then I began to think that maybe my lack of knowledge is hindering my assessment of you. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_46-01" Angela (Library Director) I thought my impression of you might change if I heard answers from you directly. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_47" Kali (The Red Mist) You think I’m getting the short end of the stick, huh? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_23-01" Angela (Library Director) I do. At least the other researchers could earn money and honor; what will you have gained? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_48" Angela (Library Director) Can you keep doing what you’re doing even if your efforts are unrewarded, or a bitter end awaits? Even if… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_49" Angela (Library Director) …Disregard that. Anyhow, is your job truly worth it? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_50" Kali (The Red Mist) The tangible rewards you talked about, like money… Nah, I don’t expect any of that. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_24-02" Kali (The Red Mist) There’s only one thing I’m looking forward to at the end of it all: Carmen’s purpose coming to fruition. I’m pretty sure everybody in the team’s thinking the same thing. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_25-01" Kali (The Red Mist) I won’t resent them if I suffered something awful or even died in that process. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_26" Kali (The Red Mist) At worst, I’d blame myself for being incapable. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_27" Kali (The Red Mist) The reason I can do this, and become more stalwart for every day that passes, is… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_28" Kali (The Red Mist) …I guess you wouldn’t understand even if I told you. ‘Cause you never saw it. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_29-01" Kali (The Red Mist) The strength in her eyes and voice. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_30-01" Angela (Library Director) Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_51-01" Angela (Library Director) I suppose that’s enough. Thank you for your answers. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_52" Angela (Library Director) I’ll explain the rules as a matter of form. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_53" Angela (Library Director) The book containing the method of extracting Cogito lies beyond that door. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_54-01" Angela (Library Director) To earn that book, you’ll have to fight with your life on the line. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_55-01" Angela (Library Director) If you die, you’ll become a book yourself. And if you survive, you can return to your friends with the book in hand. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_56" Angela (Library Director) Well? Do you agree to the terms? Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_57" Kali (The Red Mist) You aren’t giving it away for free, huh… Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_31-02" Kali (The Red Mist) I’m all for this kind of measure, actually. Doesn’t leave any further trouble. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_32" Kali (The Red Mist) I agree. So open up that door. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_33-01" Angela (Library Director) You’re trusting me more easily than I thought. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_58-01" Kali (The Red Mist) I don’t have the time to tell shit from shoe polish. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_34-01" Kali (The Red Mist) I wanna be of help to them as soon as I can. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_35-01" Kali (The Red Mist) If it turns out to be a lie, though, you’re going down with this place. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Kali_36" Angela (Library Director) Good, I like your composure. I was expecting you to be a bit more rampageous. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_59-01" Angela (Library Director) Then, Kali… May you find your book in this place. Audio: "ch6_Red_Mist_ep1_Angela_60"