Story: 얀샋ㄷ요무Episode 1 Epilogue

  1. Location: Inside the Library
얀샋ㄷ요무Episode 1 Epilogue (Stage: 50014) Location: Inside the Library Angela (Library Director) Could that person’s death be what the Prescripts intended? Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_19" Roland (Servant) Beats me. The Prescripts look like they see several steps ahead, so it might as well be. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_16-01" Roland (Servant) Though, boy, what did that Yan guy endure and struggle so much for? Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_17" Roland (Servant) He risked death forging Prescripts trying to express his free will… Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_18" Angela (Library Director) But that was ultimately part of the Prescripts… The will of the City, as he put it. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_20" Roland (Servant) Yep. After all, this is the fate those Prescripts led him to. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_19" Angela (Library Director) You said earlier that there are good things to be said about them, Roland. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_21" Roland (Servant) That I did. ‘Cause they’re still part of the City. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_20" Angela (Library Director) While I am still not completely convinced, I can understand it somewhat. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_22" Angela (Library Director) Life as a human, never wanting for anything… Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_23" Angela (Library Director) What is the reason “gods” of the City emerged? Why do people wish for them to exist, even as they suffer? Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_24" Angela (Library Director) I tried to think from those people’s perspectives. The perspective of someone without a purpose to live. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_25" Angela (Library Director) How I would act in their shoes. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_26" Roland (Servant) What’s your conclusion? Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_21" Angela (Library Director) It couldn’t be more obvious: “I won’t sit and wait for someone else to determine the meaning of my life for me like the others.” Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_27" Angela (Library Director) “I’m different.” Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_28" Angela (Library Director) “I’ll seek out a way on my own.” Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_29" Angela (Library Director) It’s much easier said than done. They won’t truly realize what they’re talking about until they’re put in such a situation themselves. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_30" Roland (Servant) So they can’t be viewed all that badly? Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_22" Angela (Library Director) Correct. I’ve decided against painting them in an excessively negative light. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_31-01" Angela (Library Director) That still doesn’t mean I fully understand them, however. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_32" Angela (Library Director) Although, I am curious about what you just mentioned as well. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_33-01" Angela (Library Director) I must wonder what Yan’s actions and the consequences to them were trying to show. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_34-01" Roland (Servant) Haven’t got a clue, ma’am~ Haven’t got a clue. Who’s to say what purpose there was to it in the first place. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_23" Roland (Servant) Those Prescripts sure are an enigma… Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_24" Roland (Servant) And this whole Distortion business… It’s scary how the process can be so simple. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_25" Angela (Library Director) That demonstration made it clearer. It appears that the breakdown of a belief one firmly held can serve as a catalyst for the Distortion. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Angela_35" Roland (Servant) Exactly. That’s the scary part. It’s what happens all the time in the City. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_26-01" Roland (Servant) Though someone did explain to me why people aren’t distorting left and right pretty clearly. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_27" Roland (Servant) Either way… This left a bitter taste in my mouth, just like that other time. Audio: "ch6_Index_ep3_Roland_28"