Story: The Crying ChildrenEpisode 1 Epilogue

  1. Location: Inside the Library
The Crying ChildrenEpisode 1 Epilogue (Stage: 40008) Location: Inside the Library Roland (Servant) And then one of ‘em separated itself from the big guy and got away while it was turning into a book… Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland15" Roland (Servant) He was still his cowardly self deep inside. Nothing about him really changed. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland16" Angela (Library Director) It must have been the Library’s will to let this happen. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Angela14" Roland (Servant) The Library’s will, huh… It sure does work in mysterious ways. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland17" Roland (Servant) I know how ugly the human mind can be, but that was just nastily explicit. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland18" Angela (Library Director) Perhaps everyone has such vulgarity deep inside their minds, covered up in layers of facade. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Angela15" Roland (Servant) And the Distortion unwraps all that to expose their true feelings? Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland19" Angela (Library Director) I cannot say for sure if it’s the pure expression of their unadulterated feelings. I’m still uncertain whether it’s the Distortion unveiling the emotions or the emotions being distorted as they are revealed. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Angela16" Angela (Library Director) It should reveal their most honest side nonetheless, having all their facades taken off. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Angela17" Roland (Servant) That ought to feel like being naked, huh. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland20" Roland (Servant) Nothing’s as awkward and embarrassing as the moments right after letting out all your honest feelings. Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Roland21" Angela (Library Director) Audio: "ch5_Crying_ep1_Angela18"