Story: WARP Cleanup CrewEpisode 1 Epilogue

  1. Location: Inside the Library
WARP Cleanup CrewEpisode 1 Epilogue (Stage: 40006) Location: Inside the Library Angela (Library Director) If this book does become available to the public, W Corp. might face closure like Lobotomy Corp. did. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela12" Angela (Library Director) Though it would collapse in an entirely different way. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela13" Roland (Servant) …I know this is an odd time to ask, but about the plan that took place in Lobotomy Corporation, the one that made you go through countless repeats… Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland10" Roland (Servant) Was L Corp’s disintegration part of it, too? Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland11" Angela (Library Director) In a way. The finale of that plan was to share the enlightenment gained from that cycle with the people of the City, sacrificing L Corp. as a whole. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela14" Roland (Servant) L Corp’s insane suicide plan succeeded somehow, huh… Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland12" Angela (Library Director) No. The plan failed spectacularly, actually. I ruined it. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela15" Roland (Servant) What? But, didn’t the ‘White Nights and Dark Days’ happen as a result of i— Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland13" Angela (Library Director) I never said the plan was a success, now did I? I only said it was over. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela16" Roland (Servant) …What do you exactly mean by “ruining” it. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland14" Angela (Library Director) Remember what I said about my creator? How he birthed me on a whim, and renounced me when I didn’t meet his arbitrary expectations? Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela17" Angela (Library Director) The sabotage was my modest little revenge on him for imprisoning me in the million-year cycle of reciting the same script over and over underground, and a small gift for myself. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela18" Angela (Library Director) I couldn’t bear to see his plan succeed with my two eyes. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela19" Roland (Servant) That means… The Distortion might not have happened if the plan went through… Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland15" Angela (Library Director) Perhaps? Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela20" Angela (Library Director) There’s no need for me to care so much about others in the City, no? Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Angela21" Roland (Servant) …You’re right about that. Audio: "ch5_CleanupCrew_ep1_Roland16"