Story: The Musicians of BremenEpisode 1

  1. Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets
  2. Location: Inside the Library
  3. Location: Library Entrance
The Musicians of BremenEpisode 1 (Stage: 30007) Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets ??? Meow (Bremen Musician) Yawn~ Today’s performance isn’t going too well. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow1" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Oink! You gotta keep the beat. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu1-01" MuMu (Bremen Musician) District 9 is the sacred ground for music! It’s the homeland of ‘The Pianist’! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu2-01" Oink (Bremen Musician) Come on, man… I’m doing my best here. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink1" Meow (Bremen Musician) Are you still bothered by what Heehaw said? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow2" Oink (Bremen Musician) Of course I am… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink2" Oink (Bremen Musician) This might be our last performance ever if we go to the Library… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink3" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Just shake off all of your worries with the exciting music~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu3-01" Meow (Bremen Musician) Oink, if you keep getting distracted by petty concerns like that and half-ass your part, I’m gonna use you as my instrument. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow3" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Seconded~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu4" Meow (Bremen Musician) We can’t let some little thoughts disturb our performance already. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow4" Meow (Bremen Musician) You guys are still new, so you’ll have no idea the troubles we had to go through to perform back in my day~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow5" Meow (Bremen Musician) Me, Doodle-doo, Woof, and Heehaw formed this band and devoted all of our time to music so that we could recreate the beautiful, beautiful performance we listened to on that fateful day! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow6 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) So quit gawking and concentrate on the music! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow7" Oink (Bremen Musician) The Pianist’s performance… Yes, I know! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink4" Oink (Bremen Musician) I left the Seven Association’s Section 3 and joined this band because I just couldn’t forget that sweet melody… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink5" Oink (Bremen Musician) I wanted to make music like that myself… Even if it meant I have to give up everything I had… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink6" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Yeah~ Remember the enchanting tune that echoed through the whole City. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu5" Meow (Bremen Musician) That grand and majestic piano made of one hundred thousand people… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow8 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) The lovely sound created from each stroke of the tendons. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow9" Meow (Bremen Musician) It made me realize how beautiful the sounds a human can make in the hands of the right performer~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow10" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Especially the ensemble with Fixers at the finale! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu6" MuMu (Bremen Musician) At the end of that intense concerto, the Fixers became one with the piano and assimilated into the music. How I wish I could’ve been there… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu7" Meow (Bremen Musician) Ahem, speaking as someone who watched the performance right at the scene, the finale was soooo wonderful, you know? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow11" Meow (Bremen Musician) The musical score and notes literally unraveled before my eyes~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow12 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) The Fixers ran across the score and charged at the Pianist… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow13" Meow (Bremen Musician) They were buried under the notes one by one, their bodies blowing up… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow14 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) But they couldn’t die there; they became part of the piano, spewing out fragrant notes. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow15 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) And the last Fixer standing was taken apart carefully, making the most splendid sound imaginable as gorgeous red notes scattered from their body. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow16" Meow (Bremen Musician) Yes… That performance… The heavenly music that pierced me… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow17 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) Well, but then the Black Silence intervened and cut off the Pianist’s hands and head. A total mood killer. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow18" Meow (Bremen Musician) I wanted to be part of that performance, too~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow19" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Sigh… I’m so jealous… I had to just sit in my Office and listen to the music coming from a distance… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu8-01" Oink (Bremen Musician) Boohoo… I wanna do it too… I wanna make music that’s half as good as the Pianist’s… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink7" Oink (Bremen Musician) But look at me… No matter how much I smash the ankle bones, pluck the tendons, and scrape flesh from the splint bones of my instruments, I can’t even get close to it… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink8" Oink (Bremen Musician) And Heehaw and Doodle-doo… said things… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink9" Meow (Bremen Musician) No, Oink… There’s no need to be so impatient. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow20 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) It’s true that we still have a long way to go before we can perform like the Pianist did…. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow21 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) But we are getting close, you see? If we pour our heart and soul into our performance everyday, we’ll be able to make it one day… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow22" Meow (Bremen Musician) The performance by Doodle-doo, Heehaw, and Woof was wonderful, wasn’t it? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow23" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Yeah! The three gave a fantastic performance! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu9-01" MuMu (Bremen Musician) They went on a trip to prepare for the next, so we won’t get to hear it again for a while, though… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu10-01" Oink (Bremen Musician) It was… Will I get to perform like that someday? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink10" Meow (Bremen Musician) Of course~ Let’s discuss this again after we finish this performance and handle the Library job Heehaw gave us. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow24 (2)" Meow (Bremen Musician) She said there’s gonna be a performance bigger than ever. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow25" Meow (Bremen Musician) And we might find new instruments in the Library, you know? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow26" Oink (Bremen Musician) Yeah… I’m excited to see that performance Heehaw mentioned… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink11" Meow (Bremen Musician) Lemme see… Aha! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow27" Meow (Bremen Musician) Why don’t we perform in a supermarket next time~? Oink likes supermarkets, right? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow28" MuMu (Bremen Musician) I’m in, too~! It’s fun to mess around with all kinds of instruments in supermarkets. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu11-01" Oink (Bremen Musician) Thanks, Meow… Thanks, MuMu… I’ll practice harder! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink12" Meow (Bremen Musician) All right! Gear up, everyone! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow29 (2)" Location: Inside the Library Roland (Servant) Looks like the Pianist left a whole bunch of nutjobs in its wake. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland1" Angela (Library Director) “From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins…” Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela1-01" Roland (Servant) What, are you interested in listening to the Pianist’s music? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland2" Angela (Library Director) No way. I’ve heard that kind of music more than enough times. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela2" Roland (Servant) …There was another dotty musician like the Pianist? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland3" Angela (Library Director) It’s similar, but not exactly the same. How about you, did you hear the Pianist’s music yourself? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela3" Roland (Servant) Duh. It’d be a lot faster to count the people in the City that didn’t hear that damn sound. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland4" Roland (Servant) Its music didn’t just pierce me, it almost ravaged my whole being. And then. …Nevermind. I don’t wanna remember that performance again. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland5" Roland (Servant) Anyway, musicians are all molto vivace in the head, one way or another. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland6" Angela (Library Director) They seem to love performance that leads to doom, indeed… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela4-02" Roland (Servant) Guess they’re living in their own world that no one else can understand. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland7" Location: Library Entrance Meow (Bremen Musician) Cat goes~! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow29-01" Oink n’ MuMu (Bremen Musicians) Meow~ Meow~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oinkmumu1" Meow (Bremen Musician) Pig goes~! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow30 (2)" Oink n’ MuMu (Bremen Musicians) Oinkie~ Oink~ Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oinkmumu2" Meow (Bremen Musician) Rabbit goes~! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow32" Oink (Bremen Musician) …Squeak… squeak…? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink13" MuMu (Bremen Musician) This is so sad… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu12" Angela (Library Director) Greetings, dear guests. I am the direct— Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela5" Meow (Bremen Musician) MuMu~! Don’t be so down. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow33" MuMu (Bremen Musician) But rabbits don’t have any signature cry sounds. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu13" Oink (Bremen Musician) Then we can make one…! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink14" Meow (Bremen Musician) Good idea! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow33-01" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Everyone… Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu14-01" Angela (Library Director) What a load of nonsense. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela6" Meow (Bremen Musician) Why are you just standing there, bluey hair? Aren’t you gonna let us in? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow35 (2)" Oink (Bremen Musician) Stupid little machine, don’t keep your guests waiting! Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink15" Angela (Library Director) What? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela7-01" Meow (Bremen Musician) Puhahaha, look at it stumble~ It’s got red blood, too? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow36" Oink (Bremen Musician) It can bleed, but the inside is still a bunch of metallic junk. Not a good vibe. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink16" Angela (Library Director) …? Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela8" MuMu (Bremen Musician) Hurry up and let us in before we break your legs. Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu15-01" Angela (Library Director) Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela9"