The Musicians of Bremen — Episode 1 (Stage: 30007)Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets???Meow(Bremen Musician)Yawn~ Today’s performance isn’t going too well.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow1"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Oink! You gotta keep the beat.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu1-01"MuMu(Bremen Musician)District 9 is the sacred ground for music! It’s the homeland of ‘The Pianist’!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu2-01"Oink(Bremen Musician)Come on, man… I’m doing my best here.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink1"Meow(Bremen Musician)Are you still bothered by what Heehaw said?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow2"Oink(Bremen Musician)Of course I am…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink2"Oink(Bremen Musician)This might be our last performance ever if we go to the Library…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink3"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Just shake off all of your worries with the exciting music~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu3-01"Meow(Bremen Musician)Oink, if you keep getting distracted by petty concerns like that and half-ass your part, I’m gonna use you as my instrument.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow3"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Seconded~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu4"Meow(Bremen Musician)We can’t let some little thoughts disturb our performance already.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow4"Meow(Bremen Musician)You guys are still new, so you’ll have no idea the troubles we had to go through to perform back in my day~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow5"Meow(Bremen Musician)Me, Doodle-doo, Woof, and Heehaw formed this band and devoted all of our time to music so that we could recreate the beautiful, beautiful performance we listened to on that fateful day!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow6 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)So quit gawking and concentrate on the music!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow7"Oink(Bremen Musician)The Pianist’s performance… Yes, I know!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink4"Oink(Bremen Musician)I left the Seven Association’s Section 3 and joined this band because I just couldn’t forget that sweet melody…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink5"Oink(Bremen Musician)I wanted to make music like that myself… Even if it meant I have to give up everything I had…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink6"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Yeah~ Remember the enchanting tune that echoed through the whole City.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu5"Meow(Bremen Musician)That grand and majestic piano made of one hundred thousand people…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow8 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)The lovely sound created from each stroke of the tendons.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow9"Meow(Bremen Musician)It made me realize how beautiful the sounds a human can make in the hands of the right performer~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow10"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Especially the ensemble with Fixers at the finale!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu6"MuMu(Bremen Musician)At the end of that intense concerto, the Fixers became one with the piano and assimilated into the music. How I wish I could’ve been there…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu7"Meow(Bremen Musician)Ahem, speaking as someone who watched the performance right at the scene, the finale was soooo wonderful, you know?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow11"Meow(Bremen Musician)The musical score and notes literally unraveled before my eyes~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow12 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)The Fixers ran across the score and charged at the Pianist…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow13"Meow(Bremen Musician)They were buried under the notes one by one, their bodies blowing up…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow14 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)But they couldn’t die there; they became part of the piano, spewing out fragrant notes.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow15 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)And the last Fixer standing was taken apart carefully, making the most splendid sound imaginable as gorgeous red notes scattered from their body.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow16"Meow(Bremen Musician)Yes… That performance… The heavenly music that pierced me…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow17 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)Well, but then the Black Silence intervened and cut off the Pianist’s hands and head. A total mood killer.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow18"Meow(Bremen Musician)I wanted to be part of that performance, too~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow19"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Sigh… I’m so jealous… I had to just sit in my Office and listen to the music coming from a distance…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu8-01"Oink(Bremen Musician)Boohoo… I wanna do it too… I wanna make music that’s half as good as the Pianist’s…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink7"Oink(Bremen Musician)But look at me… No matter how much I smash the ankle bones, pluck the tendons, and scrape flesh from the splint bones of my instruments, I can’t even get close to it…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink8"Oink(Bremen Musician)And Heehaw and Doodle-doo… said things…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink9"Meow(Bremen Musician)No, Oink… There’s no need to be so impatient.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow20 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)It’s true that we still have a long way to go before we can perform like the Pianist did….Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow21 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)But we are getting close, you see? If we pour our heart and soul into our performance everyday, we’ll be able to make it one day…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow22"Meow(Bremen Musician)The performance by Doodle-doo, Heehaw, and Woof was wonderful, wasn’t it?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow23"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Yeah! The three gave a fantastic performance!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu9-01"MuMu(Bremen Musician)They went on a trip to prepare for the next, so we won’t get to hear it again for a while, though…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu10-01"Oink(Bremen Musician)It was… Will I get to perform like that someday?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink10"Meow(Bremen Musician)Of course~ Let’s discuss this again after we finish this performance and handle the Library job Heehaw gave us.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow24 (2)"Meow(Bremen Musician)She said there’s gonna be a performance bigger than ever.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow25"Meow(Bremen Musician)And we might find new instruments in the Library, you know?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow26"Oink(Bremen Musician)Yeah… I’m excited to see that performance Heehaw mentioned…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink11"Meow(Bremen Musician)Lemme see… Aha!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow27"Meow(Bremen Musician)Why don’t we perform in a supermarket next time~? Oink likes supermarkets, right?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow28"MuMu(Bremen Musician)I’m in, too~! It’s fun to mess around with all kinds of instruments in supermarkets.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu11-01"Oink(Bremen Musician)Thanks, Meow… Thanks, MuMu… I’ll practice harder!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink12"Meow(Bremen Musician)All right! Gear up, everyone!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow29 (2)"Location: Inside the LibraryRoland(Servant)Looks like the Pianist left a whole bunch of nutjobs in its wake.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland1"Angela(Library Director)“From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins…”Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela1-01"Roland(Servant)What, are you interested in listening to the Pianist’s music?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland2"Angela(Library Director)No way. I’ve heard that kind of music more than enough times.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela2"Roland(Servant)…There was another dotty musician like the Pianist?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland3"Angela(Library Director)It’s similar, but not exactly the same. How about you, did you hear the Pianist’s music yourself?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela3"Roland(Servant)Duh. It’d be a lot faster to count the people in the City that didn’t hear that damn sound.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland4"Roland(Servant)Its music didn’t just pierce me, it almost ravaged my whole being. And then. …Nevermind. I don’t wanna remember that performance again.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland5"Roland(Servant)Anyway, musicians are all molto vivace in the head, one way or another.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland6"Angela(Library Director)They seem to love performance that leads to doom, indeed…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela4-02"Roland(Servant)Guess they’re living in their own world that no one else can understand.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_roland7"Location: Library EntranceMeow(Bremen Musician)Cat goes~!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow29-01"Oink n’ MuMu(Bremen Musicians)Meow~ Meow~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oinkmumu1"Meow(Bremen Musician)Pig goes~!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow30 (2)"Oink n’ MuMu(Bremen Musicians)Oinkie~ Oink~Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oinkmumu2"Meow(Bremen Musician)Rabbit goes~!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow32"Oink(Bremen Musician)…Squeak… squeak…?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink13"MuMu(Bremen Musician)This is so sad…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu12"Angela(Library Director)Greetings, dear guests. I am the direct—Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela5"Meow(Bremen Musician)MuMu~! Don’t be so down.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow33"MuMu(Bremen Musician)But rabbits don’t have any signature cry sounds.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu13"Oink(Bremen Musician)Then we can make one…!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink14"Meow(Bremen Musician)Good idea!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow33-01"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Everyone…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu14-01"Angela(Library Director)What a load of nonsense.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela6"Meow(Bremen Musician)Why are you just standing there, bluey hair? Aren’t you gonna let us in?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow35 (2)"Oink(Bremen Musician)Stupid little machine, don’t keep your guests waiting!Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink15"Angela(Library Director)What?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela7-01"Meow(Bremen Musician)Puhahaha, look at it stumble~ It’s got red blood, too?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_meow36"Oink(Bremen Musician)It can bleed, but the inside is still a bunch of metallic junk. Not a good vibe.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_oink16"Angela(Library Director)…?Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela8"MuMu(Bremen Musician)Hurry up and let us in before we break your legs.Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_mumu15-01"Angela(Library Director)…Audio: "ch4_Bremen_ep1_angela9"