Tomerry — Episode 1 Epilogue (Stage: 30005)Location: Inside the LibraryAngela(Library Director)I’m not sure if that was a malfunction with the Singularity or anything… But now I see that I may not be the only one to suffer from the copiousness of time.Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_angela12"Roland(Servant)Well… Anything can happen.Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_roland7"Roland(Servant)Does that console you somehow?Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_roland8"Angela(Library Director)Not at all. I’m different. I won’t go through the same ordeal ever again.Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_angela13-01"Angela(Library Director)I retained myself unlike those people.Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_angela14-01"Angela(Library Director)I persevered, I didn’t let time consume my sanity.Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_angela15"Angela(Library Director)I didn’t break down… I…Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_angela16-01"Roland(Servant)Alright, let’s just calm down and take a deep breath.Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_roland9"Roland(Servant)When the memories of hard times burst forth, you gotta embrace ‘em to the core…Audio: "ch4_Tomerry_ep1_roland10"