Full-Stop Office — Episode 1 Epilogue (Stage: 30002)Location: Inside the LibraryRoland(Servant)That Stephan fellow turned into a book just as he expected.Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland19"Roland(Servant)It’s kinda sorry to see him keep railing at the world till the end.Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland20"Angela(Library Director)Do you think it’s wrong to blame the world?Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela16"Roland(Servant)Oh no, nothing wrong with that. It’s not like I think he was weak-willed for putting the blame on this world for his miseries.Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland21"Roland(Servant)It’s just that I pity myself for living in that same world. I’m sorry that I keep trying not to fault this world.Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland22"Angela(Library Director)I curse this world.Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela17"Roland(Servant)Same, to be honest.Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland23"