Story: Full-Stop OfficeEpisode 1

  1. Location: The Church of Gears Oratory
  2. Location: An Underground Passage
  3. Location: Inside the Library
  4. Location: Library Entrance
Full-Stop OfficeEpisode 1 (Stage: 30002) Location: The Church of Gears Oratory Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Salutations, everyone. Let us begin with today’s worship session. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen1" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) It appears that we have a new worshipper. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen2" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) What concerns have brought you here to our oratory? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen3" Worshipper 1 …I don’t think I can continue living in this city anymore. It’s too much for me. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson1" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) What could have overwhelmed you so much? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen4-01" Worshipper 1 Everything is so dreary. And so is my life. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson2" Worshipper 1 I wake up at 6 in the morning, go to work by 8, and do the same work with the same face every single day. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson3" Worshipper 1 By the time I leave work, it’s already 10 in the evening… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson4" Worshipper 1 I’m not sure what I’m doing anymore. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson5" Worshipper 1 I have so many expenses to cover every single month, I can’t seem to get any richer. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson6" Worshipper 1 Everyone I see during my commute has the same face. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson7" Worshipper 1 I don’t see why we work, why we earn money, or why we live… I feel like I’ve lost my goal… my purpose. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson8" Worshipper 1 I’m just like a cogwheel… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson9" Worshipper 1 Yeah… I really am… I’m living like a cog in the machine. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson10" Worshipper 1 Even if I were gone, this City would soon find another cog to replace me… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson11" Worshipper 1 What am I… Where does my worth lie? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson12" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) I understand that feeling. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen5" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Everyone in the City is like a gear spinning along without a purpose… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen6" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Staying in the middle of it wears you out, slowly… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen7" Worshipper 1 You’re right…! I really feel like that… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson13" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) However… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen8-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Is it necessarily a bad thing to be a gear? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen9-01" Worshipper 1 Huh? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson14" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) All problems stem from the refusal to admit to the fact that we are indeed gears ourselves. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen10" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) I did too once. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen11" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) After my father passed away, I lost my way for a while. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen12" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) You see, my father lived his life akin to a gearwheel. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen13-02" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) He’d always wake up at the same hour, go to the same place, and come home at the same time with the same face… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen14" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) My father did research on gears. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen15" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) His goal was to solve the same type of problems you’re going through. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen16" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Perhaps he unknowingly grew to resemble the single object he studied for so long. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen17" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) The wrinkles on his forehead deepened as he worked. They resembled the teeth of a gear… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen18" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) My father lived out his whole life as a rusted gear of the City, until he was murdered by someone else. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen19-01" Worshipper 1 Oh… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson15" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Then one day, I came across a thought. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen20" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Maybe we really are gears that constitute the City… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen21" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Maybe our suffering comes from trying to deny our own identity… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen22" Worshipper 1 But that kind of life is pointless! I’m tired of being a purposeless cog that keeps running day by day… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson16" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Exactly. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen23" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) The problem is that you see yourself as an aimless gear. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen24" Worshipper 1 You mean gears can have a purpose? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson17" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Yes. Of course they can. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen25" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) All we need to do is find the purpose we were born to mesh with. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen26" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) You shall become a unique gear that cannot be replaced by any other. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen27" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) We are all gears. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen28" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) There are simply so many gears in this world wallowing in sadness, for they have yet to know where and how to be. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen29" Worshipper 1 …That’s… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson18" Worshipper 1 It’s still hard to believe that… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson19" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Take a look at all the people gathered here. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen30" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Do they have the same faces as the ones you’ve seen in your everyday life? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen31" Worshipper 1 No… They all look happy… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson20" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Please, trust in me. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen32-01" Worshipper 1 Yes… This is the only way I have… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson21" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Now, come up here. I will give you the purpose in life you’re looking for. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen33-01" Worshipper 1 Do I sit on this chair? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson22" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Yes, take a seat and relax. This chair will tell you what kind of gear you are. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen34" Worshipper 1 Is this really safe…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson23" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Of course it is. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen35" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Oh my, you turned out to be a ‘Thought Gear’. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen36" Worshipper 1 A thought gear…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson24" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) It is exceedingly rare for one to be bestowed with the purpose of a Thought Gear, you see? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen37" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) They are helping me even now. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen38" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) For your information, my father was also a Thought Gear. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen39" Worshipper 1 That means those gears on the back of your head are…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson25" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) This one is my father… He always provides me with his wisdom about life. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen40-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Besides, Meat Gears need to keep company with at least one Thought Gear. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen41-01" Worshipper 1 W-wait, am I really gonna turn into a gear…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson26" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) The pain is only temporary. It will soon be followed with pure fulfillment. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen42-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Everyone, let us welcome the honorable and invaluable arrival of a new Thought Gear. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen43" Worshipper 1 Wait… Wait! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson27" Worshipper 1 I didn’t know this would happen! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiousperson28" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) As the gears turn. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen44" Worshippers (Church of Gears Laity) So too does life fulfill its cycle. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiouspersons1" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) So that’s Eileen, cult leader of the ‘Church of Gears’… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki1-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) I’ve seen all kinds of gears in my life, but “thought gears” are new to me. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan1-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) This must be the rumored ritual of theirs. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei1" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) They get smarter by plugging gears on the back of their heads, apparently? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki2" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) That’s a load of horseshit. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan2-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Alright, let’s see. Director Yujin from the Shi Association asked us to… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan3-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Kill ten worshippers of the Church, neutralize its leader and secure her. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki3-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) I didn’t quite expect the director of Shi Association’s Section 2 to personally give our Office a request. Something strange might be up. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei2" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) How long are we gonna sit and watch that? Can’t we start shooting now? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan4" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Wait for my sign… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei3" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Ah… What a beautiful Thought Gear you have become. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen45" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) I will give you the honor of accompanying me. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen46-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) You shall soon understand how happy it is to be a gear with a purpose. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen47" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Yes. It may take some time to adjust. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen48-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Let us start with turning bit by bit. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen49" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Good, along with the others, gently rotate… One cycle at a time… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen50" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) My father will gladly help you out. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen51" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) See? It does make you feel happy, doesn’t it? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen52" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) I am very glad to know you are happy. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen53" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) My dear followers! Today, another lost gear has found its way to happiness! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen54" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Praise be to father! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen55" Worshippers (Church of Gears Laity) Praise be! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_religiouspersons2" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) …Huh? What do you mean, “be careful”…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen56-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Now. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei4" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Wha… What is going on…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen57-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) The Gears… The poor Gears… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen58-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Please don’t do this… Whoever you are, please leave us alone… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen59-01" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) We simply wanted to live a happy life following our destined purposes… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen60-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Gah, why is their slippery leader so hard to hit? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan5" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) She doesn’t seem to be dodging the bullets with her own reflexes. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei5-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) It’s as if something else is predicting the trajectories for her. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei6" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Those “thought gears” on her head are spinning like crazy. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki4" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Dammit, this sucks. We paid an arm and a leg for these bullets… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan6" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Tamaki. Think we can read the movement pattern of those gears? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei7" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Can do. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki5" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Kuh… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen61" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Grazed her shoulder. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki6-02" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) I’ll finish her off. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei8" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) A bullet crafted by Atelier Logic… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia1" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Why, those are some expensive bullets you have there, don’t you friends? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia2" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) The Blue Reverberation! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei9" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) You are… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen62" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Ah, could you be the person my father always talked about…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen63-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Mmm… I guess. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia3" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Say, I need you right now… Would you like to come with me? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia4-02" Eileen (Church of Gears Leader) Yes… Of course! I’ve been waiting for you for my whole life, a perfect fit with the gear that is me… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_eileen64" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Why thank you. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia5-02" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) No you don’t. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki7-02" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) But first, these friends need some attention… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia6-02" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Pluto. Could you look after Eileen in the meantime? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia7" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Run! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei10" Location: An Underground Passage Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) The hell is going on? Why would the Blue Reverberation be here? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan7-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) No idea. Dammit, it looks like he’s trying to kill us. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei11" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) If we screw this job up, we’re gonna be bankrupt from all the bullets we’ve wasted! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan8" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) You literally just saw the Blue Reverberation deflect our bullets. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki8-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) We’re no match for him in any way. Forget about anything else, we should run away and survive for now. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei12-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) We’re almost to the exit. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki9" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Hiya, friends. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia8" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Who could’ve made such an adorable little request, I wonder? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia9-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Aw hell, to the left! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei13" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Pant, pant… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan9" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Ah~ You’re not getting anywhere with your sluggish feet, don’t you see? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia10-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Unless a lifeline were to come down from the heavens that is, no…? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia11-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Dammit! Maybe we should drop our guns… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei14" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Are you nuts? These were hella expensive! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan10-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) We’re never throwing them away. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki10" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) But we can’t hide forever, either. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei15-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Liwei, this is… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki11-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) What’s that, an invitation? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei16" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) From ‘The Library’ or whatever? Heard that the Hana designated it as an Urban Plague now. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan11-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Aw, look at you, all clustered together in the corner… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia12-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) You’re like a flock of cute little chicks gathered round in the cold. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia13-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Blue Reverberation, we apologize if we interrupted your business. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei17" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) We promise to forget about anything we’ve seen and heard here, so could you let us go? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei18" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) What…? Hahaha… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia14" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Okay, under one condition: Can you tell me who gave you this request? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia15-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) …… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki12" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) I’ll give you ten seconds. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia16-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei19" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Nine… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia17" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Gah, whatevs! Liwei! Do something with that invitation thing! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan12-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Six… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia18" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Anyone got a pen? We need something to sign the paper wi— Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei20" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Ah, you can use mine. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia19-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Take your time now. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia20-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Four… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia21-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Crazy bastard… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki13" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Quick, sign your names here! Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei21-01" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Three… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia22" Argalia (The Blue Reverberation) Now~ The real show is only beginning, wouldn’t you agree? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_argalia23" Pluto (???) But of course. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_pluto1-01" Location: Inside the Library Roland (Servant) The Blue Reverberation… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland1" Angela (Library Director) That name sounds similar to ‘The Red Mist’. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela1" Roland (Servant) You got that right. Both of them are top-grade Fixers that received a color from the Hana Association. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland2" Roland (Servant) They’re a cut above Grade 1. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland3" Angela (Library Director) It’s curious that such a capable Fixer showed up so early. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela2" Roland (Servant) There are lots of nutcases among Fixers, but the Blue Reverberation is on whole ‘nother level; he’s a certified lunatic. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland4" Angela (Library Director) Is he famous? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela3" Roland (Servant) Oh, he is. He’s certainly got skills, even if he’s bonkers. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland5" Angela (Library Director) He does appear to be skilled, seeing how he blocked those gunshots. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela4" Roland (Servant) That’s why guns aren’t used too often. They’re not very effective against actually competent opponents. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland6" Angela (Library Director) Now that you mention it, the majority of guests we’ve had so far didn’t carry firearms. Is there any other reason guns aren’t used? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela5" Roland (Servant) It’s the cost. They’re awfully expensive. It’s just not worth it most of the time. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland7" Roland (Servant) Guns are pricey on their own, but bullets are plain ridiculous, like those poor folks said. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland8" Angela (Library Director) Manufacturing bullets must be quite costly. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela6" Roland (Servant) That’s true of course. The biggest factor, though, is the tax the Head levied on firearms. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland9" Roland (Servant) It depends on the gun, but two full magazines worth of bullets cost almost the same as a decent gun. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland10" Roland (Servant) Heck, giving your entire Office crew augmentation procedures is probably cheaper than keeping enough bullets in stock for them to use. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland11" Roland (Servant) The cost is so high, it outweighs the benefit by a metric ton. And it’s hard to find a workshop that treats guns or bullets. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland12" Roland (Servant) What’s more, workshops aren’t even allowed to craft those without a firearms manufacturing license, which is apparently very tricky to get. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland13" Angela (Library Director) What do you think is the reason firearms are made so inaccessible? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela7" Roland (Servant) This is just my hunch, but I think they don’t want killings to happen too easily. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland14" Angela (Library Director) Killing what? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela8" Roland (Servant) People in general. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland15" Angela (Library Director) I didn’t quite expect the rulers of this City to be humanitarians. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela9" Roland (Servant) Oh, not because the Head and the City value human life or anything, obviously. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland16" Roland (Servant) It seems like they have this weird… philosophy that the process of a human killing another shouldn’t be trivial or insignificant. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland17" Angela (Library Director) How funny. Death can be plenty insignificant, even without guns. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela10-01" Roland (Servant) Well, you aren’t wrong there. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_roland18" Location: Library Entrance Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Phew… He’s not following us all the way here. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan13-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) It’s as if some omniscient person is toying with us. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei22" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) The Blue Reverberation seemed like he knew everything. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki14" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) We should be thankful that we survived him somehow. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei23" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Sigh… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan14-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Don’t get too nervous, Stephan. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki15-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) How can I not be nervous~ We ended up in the Library we know almost nothing about. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan15-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) You know we’re almost outta bullets, right? Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan16-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Sigh… What was the point of running away from the Blue Reverb if we’re gonna die here anyway. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan17-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Then we should at least try to die a bit later, obviously. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki16-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) Humans all die eventually. There’s little use in delaying the inevitable. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei24-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) See, he’s got a point. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan18-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Don’t worry. I’ll work it out. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki17-01" Angela (Library Director) Greetings, dear guests. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela11" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Hellooooooo~~ I’m Stephan, soon to be dead and shelved into your bookcases… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan19-01" Angela (Library Director) You don’t quite appear to be spirited, dear guest. It’s ultimately up to you whether you’ll become a book or return triumphantly with the ones you need. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela12" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Yeah~ Thanks for the kind words… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan20-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) You’re ruining our mood. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki18-01" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) …Don’t mind him. We’re in a bit of a hurry right now. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei25" Liwei (Full-Stop Fixer) We’ll just take care of the business here and go back. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_liwei26-01" Angela (Library Director) I understand. Various guests visit here with their own reasons and purpose. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela13-01" Angela (Library Director) There have been much more impolite guests, so please do not worry about your attitude. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela14" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) I’m getting a bad feeling about this lady, she seems just as eerie as the Blue Reverb… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan21-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Maybe just dying to the Blue Reverb was a better idea than this… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan22-01" Tamaki (Full-Stop Fixer) Tweet, tweet, tweet… What are you, a parrot? Get inside already. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_tamaki19-01" Stephan (Full-Stop Fixer) Fine, hothead… Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_stephan23-01" Angela (Library Director) May you find your book in this place. Audio: "ch4_Fullstop_ep1_angela15"