Molar Office — 에피소드1-종료 (Stage: 20004)Location: Inside the LibraryRoland(Servant)Any guesses on why R Corp. cares about this place?Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_roland12"Angela(Library Director)L Corp. was a major client of R Corp, and it disappeared into thin air, so it’s natural for them to want to look into it.Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_angela15"Roland(Servant)A major client of R Corp, huh…Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_roland13"Roland(Servant)I guess that makes sense. L Corp. and its Nest weren’t really special in terms of military power. It must have been a very important client for R Corp. if they were asked to protect a whole Nest.Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_roland14"Angela(Library Director)It was a mutual relationship, too. L Corp. was supplying all the energy R Corp. needed, and W Corp. depended on L Corp’s energy supply as well.Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_angela16"Roland(Servant)Three Wings in collusion with each other, huh. So much for trickle-down economics.Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_roland15"Angela(Library Director)There’s no use complaining to me. I was simply following my orders.Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_angela17"Roland(Servant)Yeah. Employees gotta do whatever their boss tells ‘em to do, whether it’s the Wings or the Backstreets.Audio: "ch3_Molar_ep1_roland16"