Hook Office — Episode 1 - Conclusion (Stage: 7)Location: Inside the LibraryAngela(Library Director)Great work as always. I could learn more about the Offices thanks to these guests.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela9"Roland(Servant)I, uh… Don’t get too bothered by what they said about you, alright?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland6"Angela(Library Director)Are you trying to console me?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela10"Roland(Servant)Maybe, maybe not… I don’t really care if you’re actually human or not, you see.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland7"Angela(Library Director)That’s refreshing to hear. It’s been quite a while since I heard such words of comfort. From even one person, too…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela11"Roland(Servant)Well, we’re in the age of humanity, after all.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland8"Angela(Library Director)Age of humanity? What does that mean, exactly?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela12"Roland(Servant)Don’t stare at me too hard, now… I don’t know all the details, either.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland9"Roland(Servant)At some point, intelligent or sapient beings that weren’t human were actively driven out of the City into the Outskirts. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland10"Roland(Servant)I’m not too sure why it took place, but the Artificial Intelligence Ethics Amendment was introduced as part of that movement…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland11"Roland(Servant)It was already possible to create machines capable of feeling emotions and desires, actually. Those that are… pretty much human, in other words.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland12"Roland(Servant)I guess that was the problem.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland13"Roland(Servant)Thanks to the AI Ethics Amendment, no machines could ever be made to resemble humans, including replacement bodies.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland14"Roland(Servant)Though there seems to have been a few exceptions.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland15"Angela(Library Director)…It’s as they said; I’m no human. I’m a machine, an artificial being.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela13"Angela(Library Director)To be precise, I was designed using a human as a template. Only a fraction of her brain was used in my creation.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela14"Roland(Servant)So it’s not even a human brain resting in a robotic body…?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland16"Angela(Library Director)Not at all. I’m purely a machine.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela15"Roland(Servant)What about that fraction of human brain you mentioned?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland17"Angela(Library Director)It was only an electronic copy of the map of her brain.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela16"Angela(Library Director)My body is entirely composed of mechanical components.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela17"Roland(Servant)…I had a feeling.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland18"Roland(Servant)And it looks like you’ve been living under a rock your whole life, seeing how you’re oblivious to the workings of the world…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland19"Roland(Servant)You gotta be extra careful, then. Especially if you’re planning to leave here someday.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland20"Roland(Servant)You’re a sapient android with emotions and desires. Your existence is most likely a complete violation of the AI Ethics Amendment.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland21"Roland(Servant)The Head’s scarily good at spotting anomalies like you.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland22"Roland(Servant)Oh, right. In case you don’t know, the Head is basically a bunch of shady creeps that rule over the entire City. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland23"Roland(Servant)Though we probably won’t ever get to face them.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland24"Roland(Servant)Anyways, this whole Library is at a huge risk in the first place.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland25"Roland(Servant)The librarians over here also seem like they’re humans but not really “human” at the same time.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland26"Angela(Library Director)It’s just as you say…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela18"Angela(Library Director)I was designed to feel emotions, and I spent what felt like an eternity on a stage repeatedly performing a play that never seemed to end.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela19"Angela(Library Director)And when I thought it was finally over, turns out it never really ended.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela20"Roland(Servant)I gotta say, whoever created you must have really been something else, too.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland27"Roland(Servant)I don’t know what motivated them, but breaking the rules designated by the Head itself takes more than just guts.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland28"Roland(Servant)No one can escape the Head’s enforcement.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland29"Angela(Library Director)They did all eventually die.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela21"Angela(Library Director)…But the Library will be safe. It has to be safe.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela22"Angela(Library Director)It’s like a birdcage, no one is free to enter, and no one is free to leave…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela23"Roland(Servant)Again with that dreamy speech you “despise” so much. What do you even mean by that?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland30"Angela(Library Director)…I will leave this place one day, take revenge on all things that made me into what I am, and earn true freedom.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela24"Roland(Servant)I don’t care too much either way.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland31"Roland(Servant)That’s that, and this is this.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland32"