Hook Office — Episode 1 (Stage: 7)Location: Somewhere in the BackstreetsMcCullin(Hook Fixer)My whole body’s still aching from our last job.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin1"Taein(Hook Fixer)That’s lasting longer than I thought. Still, yesterday was wild, wasn’t it? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein1"McCullin(Hook Fixer)Yep. The new weapon you got from the workshop was a real killer, that’s for sure.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin2"Naoki(Hook Fixer)You don’t say. You got way too excited with it and things spiraled out of control. We had to kill 20 more people than planned thanks to you.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki1"Naoki(Hook Fixer)Since it was a mistake on our part, we couldn’t even get paid for the extra kills.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki2"Taein(Hook Fixer)Come on, don’t be such a killjoy. You’re the one who went on the biggest rampage in the end.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein2"Taein(Hook Fixer)Macca’s muscles are all sore because he had to try hard to calm you down.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein3"Naoki(Hook Fixer)W-well, I said I’m sorry about it…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki3"McCullin(Hook Fixer)No need to sweat it. I owe you guys a few things, too.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin3"Naoki(Hook Fixer)I hate to admit it, but Taein has a point.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki4"Naoki(Hook Fixer)We all should try to cool down our temper a little.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki5"Naoki(Hook Fixer)As long as we’re working as Fixers, it’s not good to raise more trouble than necessary.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki6"Taein(Hook Fixer)Former members of a killer Syndicate, now registered to an Office and doing Fixer work…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein4"Taein(Hook Fixer)Life really is full of surprises, isn’t it?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein5"Naoki(Hook Fixer)This Office is a weird one too. Can’t believe people like us are accepted.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki7"McCullin(Hook Fixer)Remember what the boss said. There are so many Offices and Fixers these days, so standing out from the others is the best way to survive in this industry.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin4"McCullin(Hook Fixer)Our outfits are also quite radical compared to what other Offices have.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin5"Taein(Hook Fixer)That’s why it’s filled with maniacs like us.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein6"McCullin(Hook Fixer)All we gotta do is kill the targets in the most gruesome way possible and hang their bodies out in the open. No wonder everyone’s excited to join.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin6"Taein(Hook Fixer)It’s no different from what we’ve always been doing.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein7"Naoki(Hook Fixer)At first, I thought it was crazy that an Office would do this kinda work…Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki8"Naoki(Hook Fixer)But I guess “threatening targets and sending them a warning” makes enough sense. It seems to be working well, too.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki9"Taein(Hook Fixer)Though we’ve only been getting requests from no-name Syndicates and poor folk. This Office has a long way to go.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein8"Naoki(Hook Fixer)It does feel more like a pack of Rats than a proper Office.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki10"McCullin(Hook Fixer)…Got a message from the boss. Says we should drop by to get new work.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin7"Location: Inside the LibraryRoland(Servant)Even rascals like those can join Offices these days, huh.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland1"Roland(Servant)The whole market’s a red ocean. Everyone wants to be a Fixer.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland2"Angela(Library Director)And that doesn’t count as raking yourself over the coals, because…?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela1"Roland(Servant)…Listen, I may not look like it, but I used to be hot stuff, y’know?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland3"Roland(Servant)But then things happened and I fell to rock bottom.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland4"Angela(Library Director)So, what did you do for a living?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela2"Roland(Servant)I did all kinds of stuff, really. Doing things within my ability!Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland5"Angela(Library Director)Hmm. Is that so?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela3"Angela(Library Director)That means you didn’t get to do any proper work, then.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela4"Location: Library EntranceNaoki(Hook Fixer)Wow, we really did teleport in the blink of an eye.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki11"Taein(Hook Fixer)Is this one of those Singularities?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein9"McCullin(Hook Fixer)Lots of surprises these days.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin8"Angela(Library Director)Greetings, dear guests.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela5"Naoki(Hook Fixer)Hi there?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki12"Taein(Hook Fixer)What the… She’s pretty damn sturdy. How much did you spend on that bod? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein10"Angela(Library Director)There is no need to needlessly exhaust yourself, dear guest.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela6"Angela(Library Director)You’ll need to rampage with all you have soon enough.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela7"Taein(Hook Fixer)I don’t like your soft tone.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein11"Naoki(Hook Fixer)You’re not human, are you?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki13"Angela(Library Director)…Taein(Hook Fixer)Ooh, look at her face now. Guess she really isn’t?Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein12"McCullin(Hook Fixer)Yet another surprise. It’s so rare to meet a sapient being that isn’t human in this City.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin9"Naoki(Hook Fixer)I know, right? We might get a ton of cash out of this! Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki14"Angela(Library Director)…May you find your book in this place.Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela8"