Story: Hook OfficeEpisode 1

  1. Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets
  2. Location: Inside the Library
  3. Location: Library Entrance
Hook OfficeEpisode 1 (Stage: 7) Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets McCullin (Hook Fixer) My whole body’s still aching from our last job. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin1" Taein (Hook Fixer) That’s lasting longer than I thought. Still, yesterday was wild, wasn’t it? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein1" McCullin (Hook Fixer) Yep. The new weapon you got from the workshop was a real killer, that’s for sure. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin2" Naoki (Hook Fixer) You don’t say. You got way too excited with it and things spiraled out of control. We had to kill 20 more people than planned thanks to you. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki1" Naoki (Hook Fixer) Since it was a mistake on our part, we couldn’t even get paid for the extra kills. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki2" Taein (Hook Fixer) Come on, don’t be such a killjoy. You’re the one who went on the biggest rampage in the end. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein2" Taein (Hook Fixer) Macca’s muscles are all sore because he had to try hard to calm you down. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein3" Naoki (Hook Fixer) W-well, I said I’m sorry about it… Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki3" McCullin (Hook Fixer) No need to sweat it. I owe you guys a few things, too. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin3" Naoki (Hook Fixer) I hate to admit it, but Taein has a point. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki4" Naoki (Hook Fixer) We all should try to cool down our temper a little. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki5" Naoki (Hook Fixer) As long as we’re working as Fixers, it’s not good to raise more trouble than necessary. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki6" Taein (Hook Fixer) Former members of a killer Syndicate, now registered to an Office and doing Fixer work… Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein4" Taein (Hook Fixer) Life really is full of surprises, isn’t it? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein5" Naoki (Hook Fixer) This Office is a weird one too. Can’t believe people like us are accepted. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki7" McCullin (Hook Fixer) Remember what the boss said. There are so many Offices and Fixers these days, so standing out from the others is the best way to survive in this industry. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin4" McCullin (Hook Fixer) Our outfits are also quite radical compared to what other Offices have. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin5" Taein (Hook Fixer) That’s why it’s filled with maniacs like us. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein6" McCullin (Hook Fixer) All we gotta do is kill the targets in the most gruesome way possible and hang their bodies out in the open. No wonder everyone’s excited to join. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin6" Taein (Hook Fixer) It’s no different from what we’ve always been doing. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein7" Naoki (Hook Fixer) At first, I thought it was crazy that an Office would do this kinda work… Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki8" Naoki (Hook Fixer) But I guess “threatening targets and sending them a warning” makes enough sense. It seems to be working well, too. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki9" Taein (Hook Fixer) Though we’ve only been getting requests from no-name Syndicates and poor folk. This Office has a long way to go. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein8" Naoki (Hook Fixer) It does feel more like a pack of Rats than a proper Office. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki10" McCullin (Hook Fixer) …Got a message from the boss. Says we should drop by to get new work. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin7" Location: Inside the Library Roland (Servant) Even rascals like those can join Offices these days, huh. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland1" Roland (Servant) The whole market’s a red ocean. Everyone wants to be a Fixer. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland2" Angela (Library Director) And that doesn’t count as raking yourself over the coals, because…? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela1" Roland (Servant) …Listen, I may not look like it, but I used to be hot stuff, y’know? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland3" Roland (Servant) But then things happened and I fell to rock bottom. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland4" Angela (Library Director) So, what did you do for a living? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela2" Roland (Servant) I did all kinds of stuff, really. Doing things within my ability! Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_roland5" Angela (Library Director) Hmm. Is that so? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela3" Angela (Library Director) That means you didn’t get to do any proper work, then. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela4" Location: Library Entrance Naoki (Hook Fixer) Wow, we really did teleport in the blink of an eye. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki11" Taein (Hook Fixer) Is this one of those Singularities? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein9" McCullin (Hook Fixer) Lots of surprises these days. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin8" Angela (Library Director) Greetings, dear guests. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela5" Naoki (Hook Fixer) Hi there? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki12" Taein (Hook Fixer) What the… She’s pretty damn sturdy. How much did you spend on that bod? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein10" Angela (Library Director) There is no need to needlessly exhaust yourself, dear guest. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela6" Angela (Library Director) You’ll need to rampage with all you have soon enough. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela7" Taein (Hook Fixer) I don’t like your soft tone. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein11" Naoki (Hook Fixer) You’re not human, are you? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki13" Angela (Library Director) Taein (Hook Fixer) Ooh, look at her face now. Guess she really isn’t? Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_taein12" McCullin (Hook Fixer) Yet another surprise. It’s so rare to meet a sapient being that isn’t human in this City. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_mccullin9" Naoki (Hook Fixer) I know, right? We might get a ton of cash out of this! Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_naoki14" Angela (Library Director) …May you find your book in this place. Audio: "ch1_Hook_ep1_angela8"