Story: The Brotherhood of IronEpisode 1

  1. Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets
  2. Location: Inside the Library
  3. Location: Library Entrance
The Brotherhood of IronEpisode 1 (Stage: 6) Location: Somewhere in the Backstreets Mo (Brother of Iron) Y-you guys should regularly refill your head with brain fluid. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo1" Mo (Brother of Iron) A-a dry brain dulls your thoughts. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo2" Arnold (Brother of Iron) I-I knew I’ve been feeling so hazy these days. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold1" Consta (Brother of Iron) W-where are we going to rob this time? Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta1" Arnold (Brother of Iron) I-I think we should go for a workshop. W-workshops are rich, and they have useful components, too. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold2" Consta (Brother of Iron) H-how about an Office? W-we should earn some infamy if we take down an Office or two. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta2" Arnold (Brother of Iron) I-I don’t think we’ll get anything valuable from the Offices we can take on right now. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold3" Consta (Brother of Iron) A-a restaurant, then! I-I like delicious stuff. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta3" Mo (Brother of Iron) Y-you moron. D-did you already forget why we got our new bodies?! Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo3" Arnold (Brother of Iron) B-because we wanted to focus on earning without having to worry about food or sickness. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold4" Mo (Brother of Iron) T-that’s right. W-we’re enduring like crazy. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo4" Mo (Brother of Iron) T-these bodies just need brain fluid, fuel, and some repairs from time to time. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo5" Mo (Brother of Iron) W-we can make money without feeling hungry or thirsty. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo6" Consta (Brother of Iron) T-that’s true. I-it cost a fortune to get ourselves whole-body replacements. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta4" Consta (Brother of Iron) B-but it’s still uncomfortable. I-I know I don’t have to eat anymore, but I keep thinking about all the tasty things I had before, and it makes me want to taste them again. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta5" Mo (Brother of Iron) T-that’s because we got cheap bodies from a cheap workshop. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo7" Mo (Brother of Iron) W-we just have to earn more. T-then we can replace our bodies with better ones. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo8" Arnold (Brother of Iron) T-the most expensive ones can even adjust emotions and completely shut off desires, on top of having good performance… Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold5" Arnold (Brother of Iron) B-but those are almost as expensive as a Nest household. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold6" Mo (Brother of Iron) W-we can worry about that later. L-let’s focus on money-making now. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo9" Mo (Brother of Iron) I-it’s all about money in the end. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo10" Mo (Brother of Iron) S-so don’t bring up restaurants. Y-you’re making me want to eat stuff, too. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo11" Consta (Brother of Iron) M-Mo…! T-there’s a piece of paper stuck in your body. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta6" Mo (Brother of Iron) I-I like how this body doesn’t have any sensory systems, but i-it’s annoying to be unable to feel things like this. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo12" Arnold (Brother of Iron) L-let’s have a look at that piece of paper first. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold7" Arnold (Brother of Iron) I-I don’t think it was in your body until just now. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold8" Consta (Brother of Iron) M-maybe we got too infamous and someone sent us a calling card or something? Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta7" Consta (Brother of Iron) O-or maybe a coupon for yummy new food… Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta8" Location: Inside the Library Angela (Library Director) Are all Syndicates composed of such half-witted individuals? I was expecting someone more refined. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela1" Roland (Servant) It all depends on the Syndicate. The City is crowded with them. You could even say there’s one for every Fixer out there. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland1" Roland (Servant) A number of thugs gather up and do things under a name, and you get a Syndicate. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland2" Roland (Servant) They’re involved in all sorts of different businesses, so it’s hard to give a general description beyond that. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland3" Angela (Library Director) They seem sloppy. Are those machines? Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela2" Roland (Servant) They aren’t machines or AI, despite their appearance. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland4" Roland (Servant) Pure machines carrying their own emotions and desires have long since disappeared from the City. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland5" Roland (Servant) These guys are just using whole-body replacements. And low-quality ones from a shoddy workshop at that… Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland6" Angela (Library Director) …I see. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela3" Roland (Servant) Alright! Shall we prepare for the reception? Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_roland7" Location: Library Entrance Consta (Brother of Iron) S-so we can find valuable stuff here, right? Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta9" Mo (Brother of Iron) W-we just have to chop up some monsters and take some books. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo13" Mo (Brother of Iron) T-this body has strength if nothing else. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo14" Arnold (Brother of Iron) W-we came here for loot, but what if that piece of paper was all a lie? Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold9" Arnold (Brother of Iron) M-maybe we were too naive. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold10" Angela (Library Director) There is no need to worry, dear guests. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela4" Angela (Library Director) In this place, we strictly play by the rules written on the invitation. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela5" Consta (Brother of Iron) Y-yikes. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta10" Angela (Library Director) Welcome, dear guests. This is the Library. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela6" Angela (Library Director) And I am Angela, the director and librarian of my role’s namesake. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela7" Angela (Library Director) In this library, you may obtain the books listed on the invitation. If you overcome the ordeal, that is. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela8" Arnold (Brother of Iron) M-must be one of those ploys by rich folks. I-it’s all entertainment to them. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_arnold11" Consta (Brother of Iron) I-I heard of that, t-they kidnap people from the Backstreets, trap them in a labyrinth no one can escape, and make them wander in there, fighting for eternity… Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta11" Consta (Brother of Iron) U-until they die, never to see light again… Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_consta12" Mo (Brother of Iron) W-we’ve already come this far, we have to do this. D-don’t be so gloomy. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_mo15" Angela (Library Director) May you find your book in this place, then. Audio: "ch1_Iron_ep1_angela9"