Story: Chitchat 8

  1. Location: The Library – Floor of Religion
Chitchat 8 Location: The Library – Floor of Religion Tiphereth (Patron Librarian - Nat. Sciences) Here’s the books you asked for. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Tiphereth_1" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) Hey Tiphy! Hey Roland! What brought you two here? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Malkuth_1" Roland (Servant) Nothing big. These books seemed a bit too heavy for her to carry on her own. Though… I’m already bringing a whole lotta books here myself. What more does this old man want…? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_1" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) That’s not exactly the most appropriate thing to say in front of the person to whom you’re referring, is it, sir? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Hokma_1" Roland (Servant) …And since when did you start addressing me so politely? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_2" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) I simply desire to read many books. I would rather not spend my time in complete idleness. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Hokma_2" Roland (Servant) Let’s see… What books did our resident geriatric want to read so much that he’d ask Tiphereth to pick ‘em? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_3" Roland (Servant) “Continuity of Life”… “Bioengineering Technologies”… Boy, this is straight out of a biology shelf. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_4" Tiphereth (Patron Librarian - Nat. Sciences) He’d gone through chemistry the other day. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Tiphereth_2" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) I wouldn’t have made you go through the trouble had I known that you would bring this many books… I owe much gratitude to you for your continued assistance, young miss. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Hokma_3" Tiphereth (Patron Librarian - Nat. Sciences) I did think about asking for help… But Roland came over and lent his hand, so I chose not to. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Tiphereth_3" Tiphereth (Patron Librarian - Nat. Sciences) I didn’t really expect you to ask for stuff like this, Mister Hokma. I thought you would know all this already. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Tiphereth_4" Hokma (Patron Librarian - Religion) I am reading them multiple times so that the knowledge won’t be lost from my memory. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Hokma_4" Yesod (Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences) One read is never enough. Especially when you are a learner. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Yesod_1" Tiphereth (Patron Librarian - Nat. Sciences) I see what you mean. The same sentence can give off different impressions every time you read it. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Tiphereth_5" Roland (Servant) Mmh… Cultured people talking cultured things I don’t get. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_5" Roland (Servant) Anyhoo, what were you guys doing here? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_6" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Little more than insignificant chatter which is related to the work we do in this place. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Binah_1" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) That’s what we were up to. As you indulge in work, you pile up all kinds of feelings! Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Malkuth_2" Roland (Servant) …Does that mean you were mouthing off about your boss?! Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_7" Roland (Servant) Listen, Angela may pretend not to, but she sees everything going on in the Library… Even now, she might be overhearing this very conversation. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_8" Roland (Servant) And then she’d show up like she saw nothing and… Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_9" Tiphereth (Patron Librarian - Nat. Sciences) Aren’t you the one talking about your boss behind her back? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Tiphereth_6" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) We were mostly chatting about receiving guests. Hmm… Oh right, Yesod complained about Angela, too! Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Malkuth_3" Yesod (Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences) Malkuth, don’t say anything that could cause confusion. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Yesod_2" Yesod (Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences) My complaint was simply about the stacks of books remaining in the corridors which are making a disordered sight. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Yesod_3" Malkuth (Patron Librarian - History) I mean, you’re basically saying that you don’t like how untidy the Library is, right? Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Malkuth_4" Yesod (Patron Librarian - Tech. Sciences) The responsibility for that lies on all of us. I wasn’t targeting Angela in particular. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Yesod_4" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) Still, great efforts are being exerted to constantly receive a variety of guests, and that is worthy of praise in itself. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Binah_2" Binah (Patron Librarian - Philosophy) That extends to you folk as well. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Binah_3" Roland (Servant) Well, I’ve gotten pretty used to it by now, so it’s no biggie really. Audio: "ch100_Smallstory_ep8_Roland_11"